Posts in Blog Bits & Bobs
Blog Hop

I felt a flurry of excitement when one of my favourite bloggers I follow asked me to take part in a blog hop all about your inspiration and your creative work. So the idea is you answer the same 3 questions and nominate 2 new bloggers to take part.

Katy blogs at Apartment Apothecary, a beautiful interiors blog, bursting with images I adore and inspiration by the bucket load. I love the fresh and serene styling of her blog and it was wonderful to read more about where she works and her passions. I so need those little galvanised buckets in my work space!

And now it's my turn. I think it's lovely to share a little more about ourselves than the blurb that goes on our bios and "About Me" page.

To really get an insight into the blogger behind the blog. 

1. What have been the makings at your desk this week?

Well to start with I think I should tell you about my desk. My beautiful wooden trestle table desk is currently squished behind a child's wardrobe and plastic boxes full of my Summer shoes and party left over decorations. All of which I would like access to but are so jam packed, I shan't get the pleasure until we move!

So I currently work and blog at the dining room table.

Home office

And at the end of almost every day I clear all my mess to the dresser behind and lay out the table for our family meal. It's a lovely habit we've got into, making more of tea time. Just a few flowers and our mismatched crockery and every night feels like a feast. Even when it's frozen tortellini with left over sauce! I've been trying to follow the principles of Slimming World over the last 6 weeks, it's working 12lbs down, 11 to go, so I've been filling my plate with salads and even the boys are trying "leafs!"

Pretty dinners

Next to the dining table is my beloved armoire. It used to live in our bathroom filled with spare bedding and towels but since we are between homes, it has taken up residence in the dining area and is bursting with all my creative bits and pieces. My stationery, my scrapbook papers, little props, and pretty glassware I use in photos and for flowers.

armoire storage

I sit in a stripy chair that makes me feel a little like Daddy Bear in Goldilocks as it supports my back for a day on the laptop and I can spread out everywhere! This week I have made up Ollie's birthday invitation packages and today I am busy editing shoots and a wedding and I will photograph a new ice pop recipe to post on the blog later today to celebrate Andy Murray in the Quarter Finals of Wimbledon! A double posting day as I am catching up! The big window to the front garden means this space is flooded with natural light and perfect for taking work and blog photos. 

2. Where are you currently finding your inspiration?

I have an obsession with beautiful coffee table books, to the point my husband seriously thinks I have a problem. He seems to think they all look the same, how very dare he! I love that classic topics such a recipes or interiors can spark ideas whenever you look through them. They are not in the moment like glossy celebrity weekly magazines (Which I used to adore, but I find it hard spending money on them now as they go to recycling after a week.) to me they are an investment.

My lovely library.

beautiful books

When I've worked hard on a project and earnt some money for my efforts, I treat myself to a book. And I have a wish list as long as my arm for the next 10 birthdays and Christmases! Thank goodness for Amazon and their public wish list option ;)

3. How important is being creative to you & how do you blend this with your work/life/family balance?

Being creative is essential to my ability to manage all that I am juggling at any one time! I race around at 100 miles an hour, I always have at least 5 different big projects on the go and I have commitments for my property related work, my photography work, my blog and raising two boys! Plus I am supposed to be helping Rich launch our tea company and up until now have been pretty useless!

I try and find pockets of time in the day to indulge my creativity. When the boys are dressed for school and playing around for 5 minutes, I'll whiz their packed lunches to the window sill and snap a quick photo, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday both boys are in school and pre school which means time for me to get on with my work work and time for me to set up photo shoots for blog posts over the next 2 weeks, I try and get ahead of myself when I can, so plan my blog a couple of weeks in advance so I balance my content. Sometimes I can't resist an idea - like the ice pops for later! Here's a sneak peek. I adore the little square of fake grass!

Rose petals

I have little scrapbook paper set ups all over the house with remnants of vignettes I've snapped on my phone to share on my Instagram feed. Petals often are scattered over the floor and each night I do a sweep like the barber at the end of the day! I cart bits around me with me and then they get left in a little pile, like the props I took to BritMums Live are still in the wire baskets in the lounge! Whoops!

I like to have things handy, which generally means I like clutter. I wish I could be more minimalistic but it's just not me. I like colour, I like print. I like things that make me happy all around me. So if I buy a bunch of flowers I will spread them out in little vases to pretty up lots of corners of our home rather than one bunch on the mantelpiece or coffee table.

Sometimes I fail at the balance between work and home life. My blog has become part of my work and so keeping up with Twitter mentions and replying to comments on Facebook or Instagram is all part of that. But that means I am never far from my phone (We say no phones at the table!) and I find myself watching the boys in the bath whilst checking in on my social media feeds or sitting in bed with the laptop finishing a blog post at midnight. Romantic!

I've tried to focus on quality over the last 6 months rather than quantity. Creating original content (I don't post guest posts no matter how lucrative the incentive.) that is useful to my readers, unique to my styling and that hopefully highlights my photography, which in turn helps promote me as a photographer. 

And I've thought for a while now that I want to create a product. Something born out of the blog. And I have finally plucked up the courage to just go for it! So I have some news to share next week (I will hopefully have a sample to show you on the blog) which will right up your street if, like me, you love taking pictures for your blog. 

Check back in. You'll be the first to know :)

The best thing about this blog hop is I get to introduce you to the next two creative bloggers taking part. 

Zoe Stewart is the most talented newborn photographer I know. We had the pleasure of sitting next to each other at the MAD Blog Awards ceremony in London last year and in just a few hours I made a friend. A friend with a creative eye, a passion for capturing the moments we never want to forget and who has a teeny boy and a teeny girly in her tummy! I am in awe of how she is carrying two babies and managing to capture such beautiful images for new parents. Check out Zoe's blog Simply Ruby and watch out for her post in the next couple of weeks.

Alyssa Aldersley writes the blog I would love to write. Dreamy photographs, inspirational writing and a happy family life. She captures the tiny details we al want to remember in an effortless way. Every post gives me motivation and she is one of the most supportive bloggers in the community. She blogs at Agnes and Miller, her Instagram feed is delightful, every photo makes me smile and her style is enchanting. You can read her answers to these 3 questions in the next couple of weeks. 

Psst I will update this post when their answers are live so they are easier to find if you are reading this in a few weeks time!

Now tell me what inspires you?

Tips for Better Blog Design • BritMums Live 2014

It was an incredible honour it was to be invited to speak at BritMums Live this year by Jen and Susanna, and when they initially told me they wanted me to speak about how to make your blogs more beautiful, I felt a slight panic.

It's a daunting task standing up in front of a room full of talented bloggers and offering advice for better blog design, especially when I can assure you all, there are lots of changes I would love to make on my site.

But after researching the subject heavily over a period of weeks leading up to the conference, I realised there are lots of basic principles of good design that we could all benefit from being reminded of.

It's easy to get into a habit with your blog design. Hands up if you are in love with blogging? Yep me too! But the trouble with loving our blogs is that we all think our blogs look great! And sometimes a pair of fresh eyes can be the best thing.

The tricky thing I think as a parent blogger is, if you start your blog when you are pregnant or have little ones, to mature your blog design as your children mature.

You can download the whole presentation below. But I am going to share my notes too. Warning! This is a mammoth post - but I didn't want you to miss out on anything if you weren't in the session.

The first thing I want you do do is GET OFF THE COMPUTER! It's too easy to start fiddling behind the scenes and what you need before you look at a design makeover or even small tweaks is ask yourself these 10 questions.

How to design your blog

The most important question is number 3. Your blog should represent you and your style. Choosing a theme because it looks pretty or like a blogger you love is not a good place to start! The more I stay true to my style the easier I find it is to blog. 

As soon as you start projecting a manufactured style it feels like hard work. Hard to maintain a particular style and imagery. Stay true to you. Write those 5 words on a piece of paper and stick them on your noticeboard. Then translate those through everything you do. I am bright, bold, cheerful, loud and happy by nature. So I want my blog, my tweets, my photos on Instagram to represent those 5 words. 

CONTENT INFORMS DESIGN - my blog is seriously photo heavy so I wanted a design that highlights the photography. Think about what you blog about and tailor your design to it. Good design is about showing off your best bits! 

And I came to understand the difference between whether you blog for yourself or for your readers, both in terms of content and design.

So ask yourself - is your blog easy to navigate? Do you have a search facility clearly visible in a prominent place in your sidebar and a photo and short bio at the top of your sidebar letting people know who is behind the blog?

Do you write up your weekend and post a nice set of pictures, like a journal or do you blog an idea for your readers to help keep their children entertained over the weekend? I want to blog for my readers, to give you original content with information you can take away with you and find helpful and inspiring.

Why do you need good design? It’s not about just making your site look nice, the most important thing is making your blog easy to read. Think about how people read blogs - so many read on their phones so make sure your site is responsive!!! 

Your design is your constant. It’s what evokes your style and your blog’s identity. Your content is your inconsistency, but that’s what keeps people coming back again and again! Your design is what people associate you with so you can write about any subject in the world, but readers will recognise your style.

Now it's time to consider your LAYOUT

Elements that make up a traditional blog are

  • Header
  • Navigation
  • Content
  • Sidebar
  • Footer

The HEADER is the first thing people see. Is it clean and fresh? Is it easy to read?! Is your header in keeping with the medium you use elsewhere? So if you use an illustrative header, use illustrations for your social media icons. Think consistency! No one will be impressed with a blurry image!

And if you've designed a fantastic header pimp it out. Make use out of it and use it everywhere and anywhere!

Your NAVIGATION is a pick and mix stand full of delightful discoveries but if you chose one of every sweet available you'd be sick! So limit your menu options to highlight the content you want your readers to see. Your menu is where you can hide away all your wonderful content. You can entice new readers with an about me page, you can highlight to companies and pr agencies looking to work with you where they can directed to all your contact details, links to your media kit etc.

Navigation blog design

Manage what you want people to read. So I want to highlight my photography work - in the hope someone will want to hire me and that’s why I slimmed down my menu. You can share the blogs you love you can highlight individual categories by using drop downs instead of overloading your menu tabs.

Make sure your contact info is on each page, that's one of the big bug bears I hear from pr agencies, that they can't find the contact information quickly and easily. 

The BODY of your blog is your content and is your unique selling point. Think of your content as the Best Actor Oscar winner with everything else sitting in a supporting category. There are some simple things you can do to make an INSTANT difference.

  • Consider alignment & readability - The most important thing is to make your blog as readable as possible. This means aligning your text paragraphs and photos to the same width to span the body container. Big white space around your photos on distract from them and make your site look untidy.
  • If you look at professional publications the text is ALWAYS left aligned. That's because we read from left to right so don't make it hard for people to follow your writing with centre aligned paragraphs.
  • Do you break your text into bite size paragraphs? People read on the go so try not to overwhelm them with an essay, as the message of the post may get lost. Ironic I know given this lengthy post!
  • Think about what you want people to read first? Your sidebar or your content? And align them accordingly.
Blog design tips

Your SIDEBAR is a wonderful distraction and first think about where you want it. Right of left aligned depending on what you want your reader to see first.

What most people want to see first is you! So make sure your sidebar leads with you. Add a short bio and upload a nice, friendly picture of you! 

Manage the content within your sidebar and add a prominent search button! How often have you searched on Pinterest found something you love, but it links to the home page rather than the blog post? How annoying! Have a search button where people can see it!

If you have a beautiful blog don’t let your sidebar of shame let you down. Cluttered, images of different sizes, flashing adverts and videos that play automatically do not shout great design.

ADVERTS & SPONSORS - Try and make the ads as in keeping with your style as possible. Talk to your sponsors, offer to create an ad for them. If you move in similar blog circles to your readers you don’t all want the same ads on your blog! 

Don’t duplicate your menu. Use your sidebar as an opportunity to display collections. Showcase your favourite posts a new reader widget that takes you to the posts you think best sum up your blog and perhaps your most popular or seasonal posts at the moment. So over Easter I updated my sidebar with links to craft posts from last year as I ran out of time this year to post new content!

Create a separate page for linkys you join in with. You want as much control over YOUR design on your homepage as possible. 

Now I am a more is more girl, that’s my style but when it comes to design I am inclined to agree with Coco Chanel. When it comes to side bars, less is more.

“Before you leave your house, remove the last thing you put on, as it is generally unnecessary.”

A FOOTER is not a dumping ground it is an opportunity. You may want to use your footer as your sidebar or have your contact details for in the footer on each page. 

Remember if you post excerpts with a read more, or view the full post options, then your footer will become far more prominent. 

Blog Colour Palette

I love colour but I have realised the importance of a consistent COLOUR PALETTE on your blog.

I am sneaking in a little pink here and there but I stick to a clean colour palette of gold and white. I found it difficult to let go of my busy background but the best thing you can do is embrace blank space! My natural instinct is fill the space on my blog with colour but all that does is distract from my content because my photos are full of energy and colour. If your content is more text heavy then stick to a white or neutral textured background. You can see how busy using a pattern makes my site - not good at all!

blog backgrounds

Think about 2 or 3 colours you love and stick to them. Use sites like or for great colour combinations.

When choosing text colours go for darker colours on a lighter background. Neon shades are really hard to read which is why I moved away from my turquoise and black or navy site backgrounds are almost impossible to read text on!

Blog Typography

When it comes to blog TYPOGRAPHY there are 3 typical fonts you want to use. A serif, sans serif and a script. A serif is a traditional looking font with feet and flips, a sans serif is without and a script font. But script fonts are much harder to read so try to use one serif font, one sans serif and keep your twirly script fonts for annotations rather than menu tabs, headers and text.

Blog Typography

As with colours look to use 3 fonts. Everything you post should be representative of you and your style. A mismatch of fonts and styles just looks confusing not consistent!

I love encouraging others to fall in love with PHOTOGRAPHY and it's the greatest pleasure to see bloggers capturing beautiful photos for their blogs. But I have 2 requests. Please showcase your best, at the best size!

Span the container - as in the area you post in. Mine has a wide post area so I size all my photos to 1024 pixels wide. But the text and images all align with each other. If your photos are from your camera and may either be small in size of a little grainy, then post them in a collage.

One of my design to dos on my blog because I post lots of photos is to get rid of the forever scroll and use post excerpts. If someone checked in on my blog once a week they may never see what I posted at the beginning of the week! 

One of the biggest problems for me is how quickly my site loads, because my site is flooded with images. So I upload my photos to 72dpi (They are less likely to be stolen too as they won't print particularly well.) and have started arranging several portrait photos together to condense the length of the post.

If you post high quality images you MUST help your Pinterest loving readers out and install Pin it buttons! You can customise your own or use the standard ones - head to the goodies page on, but I find rollovers really distracting and annoying - you know when you hover over the image and it fades it away with a mask. Let your images breathe and remove that feature!

I cannot stress the importance of DESIGNING TO ENGAGE

Are you familiar with the fold? The point at which you have to scroll down for the first time. Above the fold is everything you can see on screen before you start to scroll. Of course this is different for everyone try and get a peek at your blog on different devices and whilst you are there try it out on different browsers.

I always check how my posts read on my phone, to see how the images display on a smaller screen and I spot mistakes far quicker! 


  • Make it easy! One of my areas to improve is changing the default comment plug in. People don’t like having to sign in to a social media account in order to comment. Readers also don't like Captcha. Take it off and install a good spam filter like Akismet.
  • Calls to action - spark a discussion amongst your readers. A genuine question in your posts that provokes debate. Not what breed of dog could you be if it was Friday and national dog day but relevant questions to the post content.

Make subscribing easy - however you want people to follow your blog promote that! 

Involve your readers

  • Ask your readers for some feedback? Take a few screen shots in preview mode and share them. Before you make changes! It’s too easy to share “Hey here’s my new header, what do you think” and be bombarded with kind and thoughtful replies but no critique. 

DON'T WAIT TO CHANGE OR UPDATE YOUR DESIGN - JUST DO IT! Look at my site, it's taken me two and a half years, and 4 updates to get to a point where I am 100% happy my design  reflects my style.

Blog design

Don’t give in to the the things that stop us changing our design - we can be scared to do it, fear we will lose followers and readers and we all suffer from comparing ourselves to something else. Having confidence is the best quality you can have as a blogger! 

And what we all need is confidence and a confidante! I’ve found a blog buddy who I’ve built up a friendship with over the last couple of years, I send her ideas, bounce things off her, run new design ideas past her and I trust and value her opinion.

We must also remember we cannot be everything to all people - you will find your tribe and they will find you. Don't try and blog content to chase traffic. Integrity and honesty always win in the long run.

Try to be inspired but don’t copy. Copy cats have no creativity. 

And if in doubt ask - we bloggers are great at diy learning and you'll find the blogging community no matter what genre are friendly souls. 


You have a beautiful blog, use that beautiful design and put your signature stamp all over your work. So that means extending how you present yourself on your blog through your email signature, your blog cards, your cover photos and so on.

Make sure your twitter cover photo is in focus since the update and don’t forget to do simple things like check your links! Don't let simple things let your creative and unique design let you down.

Your blog is the second version of you so write the internet you want to read! 

BritMums 2014

I couldn't talk about BritMums Live without saying an enormous thank you to everyone who nominated and voted in the Brilliance in Blogging Awards 2014. I was ecstatic to win the Photography award, amongst such incredibly talented bloggers in the finals and overwhelmed with all the love and support from both the bloggers who attended the conference and my session and those who send tweets and messages from home. I am grateful for every single one and am still replying to them! It was a pleasure to talk to Julia Boggio after the awards, who judged the category and she gave me some valuable feedback, advice and recognition. That was the icing on the cake.

I don't believe people who say blog awards mean nothing because to me it meant everything. To be recognised by your peers, to have the opportunity to walk on that stage, with your heart beating out of your chest is the most incredible feeling.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And a special thanks to Bubblegum Balloons who supplied the most amazing confetti filled balloons to dress the room, Gift Cookie for the awesome personalised blog pencils (I do hope you all took one!) and an extra special thanks to my sister, who carried a double duvet full of balloons up a service lift, ran around like a madwoman in the 5 minute change over period and who supports me and my blog every single day. I was so thrilled she got to see the wonderful world I am part of for herself.

Blog Design.jpg
#capturingcolour • Purple

I have to say I've fallen rather in love with indigo this past week.

A perfect excuse to buy stunning Delphiniums in the weekly supermarket shop and play around with packed lunches!

capturing colour

I realised whilst I have a wardrobe bursting with colour, I actually don't wear that much purple. But the one occasion where I felt unbelievably happy in my own skin was at my sister's wedding. I didn't have the nerves of being the bride, I was the slimmest I'd been in years and the day was so full of love and sunshine you couldn't help but be happy!

I've shared this video before on the blog but here it is again! 

I love the Instagram community of colour lovers, here are a few of my favourites you have shared this week.

purple #capturingcolour

This week I loved @cariemay, @georgiestclair, @blooming_lovely_jewellery, @mygoldenpear, @kykaree, @littlelikelylads, @amiliz93 and @tamingtwins.

#capturingcolour is a weekly Instagram hashtag where we all encourage fellow happy snappers to capture a specific colour theme for the week.

This week is YELLOW! Join in with Shutterflies, Real Housewife of Suffolk County, Maybush Studio, Sorry about the Mess and My Two Mums and me and show us some sunshine!