I have had an incredible week. I have hundreds of photos to share from my trip to Pedlars in North Wales, but for now, whilst I get them all looking lovely for you, here's a silly ditty I wrote.
Mums on the Run
When the traffic is building up at half past eight
there is usually at least one mum running a little late.
That one Mum is usually me,
more likely to hit the school gates at eight forty three.
There are mums with immaculate make up and perfectly curled hair,
but some more like me, with a flick of lip gloss, a face practically bare.
It's an achievement to have my hair washed and blow dried
oh wait it's usually drip dried, sorry I lied.
Instead I spend time crafting a lunch - Bento style
but it's worth the extra effort, even if it takes a while.
As I race past the Mums walking idly by,
whose children have already hung up their coats, I vow to try.
To not make the school run such a terrible rush,
not watch an episode of Peppa Pig before school, even though lush,
It's just not conducive to an organised morning.
So maybe we'll encourage a jigsaw or one little drawing,
that will give us more time and we must not lie snoring.
A lazy day can be saved for Sunday,
a day for pyjamas and maybe a local Funday.
So tomorrow I will attempt to be one of the Mums
having a chat in the playground as our littlies start their sums.
I am proud as punch of my boy starting school,
but I need to make sure I follow this rule.
To enjoy the walk from the car to class without watching the clock tick
and pulling his arm yelling "Quick, quick, quick! "
For those are the most precious times,
when we talk just the two of us (it's corny I know but I'm almost done with these rhymes)
Because one day my small boy will be taller than me
and not want to hold hands and yell "One, two, three, wee!"
I'm lucky I get to be on the school run at all,
that I can work around the boys and be on hand should the school call.
It's actually quite a privilege when the routine of drop off is done,
that I get to be one of the mums on the run.