This is a very special week. Due date week.
Next month my blog is going to be bursting with photographs of a beautiful new baby. I'm going to be an Auntie!
For now, we all have our homemade badges made by Natalie. I just love my sister.
Excuse Ollie's rather strange pose, we took this the second before we rushed out of the house to get off for Southbourne! So it had to be a one take wonder! But I love the blurry background effect - depth of field is my friend at the moment.
Join in with our Me and Mine Family Portrait Project by showing us you and yours! You can see what we dreamt up last month for our family photo here!
Scoot on over to Chloe at Chloe Witters to see her sweet family photos! My favourite post this month was about how Chloe works from home. It was like looking at my working day and I totally understood how isolating it can feel sometimes.
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