Posts in Photography
Sunday Prop Shop Part 6 • Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, Something blue

Welcome back to Sunday Prop Shop! Thank you to everyone who joined in last week. 

This week I am feeling blue. But in a good way.

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Buying bargain props has become a little obsession.

I can't resist an odd plate here, something that could make a good background there, especially when I start to see a little collection forming in my cupboard outside.

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One of my favourite things to do is admire them all together and then you can see any gaps in your hoarding. 

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Kitchenalia is an easy thing to hoard and an easy thing to get carried away with. Storing lots of serving dishes and bits that get relegated to the back of the cupboard and aren't seen again unless they are packed in a box for a house move!

I know, I am at a point with my blue food props that I have everything I could need! Different styles, different patterns, different eras.

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So when I am in a charity shop or at a boot sale my eyes are less drawn to the blue and more to the greens and reds. It's time to get festive! Only 6 weeks until C-day after all.

Blue is often tricky to photograph, especially in Winter. As the lower sun in the sky and the darker afternoons can make the whole photo look grey. Whites look dull and I often rely on the power of my Canon and editing program. 

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My tip would be to take those pictures around 10am on a nice overcast day, in the garden, when the natural light is at it's most even. 

If that's not possible, like this week I have been on the road a lot working, I end up photographing a number of blog posts on a Saturday or Sunday morning, then take the following week to edit the photos ready to post.

Which is your favourite?

I adore the Bonjour painted side plate I won from Little Birdy Crafts and the Octopus plate I had for my birthday from Anthropologie

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Whilst there is a tiny chip in the blue cabbage leaf, I still grabbed it off the charity shop shelf and paid £2, because it has a new life as a prop!

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All the blue and white china I have bought from boot sales and charity shops for around 50p - £1 each. I use all of them in our everyday life too and they were perfect serving dishes for a buffet I hosted at a Nautical baby shower for a best friend recently!


I don't believe in having beautiful (even if not necessarily expensive) things that never get used. I love mis matching plates at dinner time and they all go through the dishwasher!

I love that they have history and they add interest to photographs. But I also love picking up little new accessories, like this snack bowl from Waitrose for a couple of pounds. A cute vase for a hydrangea head.

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I brought a set of these mason jars from a local supermarket, home in my suitcase from America in the Summer and they make perfect cocktail glasses ready to be served on a little tray I found at a Christmas Market this week from Vintage Von.

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On my ultimate wish list thought is an old fashioned wooden plate rack for the wall, so I could see al my plates in all their glory all year round!

Have you given anything a new lease of life as a prop? I'd love to share your photos. Link them up here and join in Sunday Prop Shop. I can't wait to be inspired.

I am so pleased when people take the time to link up. It's lovely to see everyone's posts every fortnight.

If you've gone to lots of effort with your photography lately, this is the place to show it off!


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Me and Mine - A Family Portrait Project September

When I joined and started this project with a group of snap happy bloggers back in January, I had imagined that September would be full of Autumn loveliness. Orange crispy leaves and snuggly jumpers. 

How wrong could I have been! But of course back then we had no idea that my in laws would have relocated from the home my husband grew up in to the sunny south coast. We spent the weekend with them and all the boys wanted to do was swim! 

And with such a beautiful pool it would be rude not to!  

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We have already planned a new tradition of "Christmas Competition Races" and I shall be armed with a big blackboard on Boxing Day, when we celebrate Christmas with the Heath side, to record the scores!  

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Widths, lengths, underwater, handstands - you name it it's going to be on the board! It's going to be ace. 

We spent a lot of the weekend pinching ourselves that we are so lucky to share their beautiful home and if last weekend is anything to go by, there is going to be an abundance of new magical memories made there. The boys nicknamed the hot tub the "witches cauldron" which is so appropriate as the next time we are back visiting is at Halloween!


Now you seen me and mine show us you and yours! Link up your family snap here.  You can grab our button by copying and pasting this code.

dear beautiful

Make sure you head over to Chloe's blog Sorry about the Mess for a fabulous phone photo filled September trip to the big smoke.

It just shows that although, like Chloe, I usually use my DSLR for our family pics, that actually some good old fashioned film and your camera phone captures memories just as well! Fuzzy but fun! And that was September for us. It has passed in a blur making everything blurry with it!

I bought the underwater disposable camera on offer in Boots for £8 (£16 normal price on a buy one get one free deal)  and you can bet your life the other one is stored ready for Christmas! 

Linking up with #whatsthestory and #magicmoments


My Week in Photos

This week has felt decidedly Autumnal. Blackberry picking, a breezy walk on the beach, and in less than a fortnight, a sea which feels too ferocious to swim in.

Chilly evenings, cosy blankets, magazines stacked by the fire ready for quieter nights after a manic period, where work and home life have become one big blur. 

Everything I've photographed this week has been full of Autumn colours, without intention. 



This weekend we have brought the boys to my in laws new house for the first time. There has been lots of "Oh wows!" Not least when we all got in the hot tub together! A cup of tea in a hot tub at 4pm, on a sunny September day - does life get any better?!


Happy Sunday everyone. We have spent the day in pyjamas, watching a film under a blanket and having a family roast in the new kitchen.

I am treasuring these ordinary moments that to be honest, feel quite extraordinary lately. 
