Posts in Photography
Simple Flower Photos • DIY Artwork

It feels like such a treat to spend money on flowers.

When I go and pick a few stems from a florist, I act like Sammy and Ollie on a Friday after school, when I say they can choose 10 penny sweets at the Post Office.

scattered flowers

I come over a little giddy and take time to choose the prettiest blooms.

I feel greatly inspired with things I love around me.

scattered flowers

I snapped some photos quickly the other afternoon and suddenly realised when I loaded them on the computer, I had some mini works of art in the making.


Simply add a lovely quote and print as postcards or frame for a quick and inexpensive decoration for your home.

Rose quote

I held the flowers in place upright with some blue tack on the dining room table!

And these were on our coffee table, in front of the lounge window. 

Flower Quote.jpg

I am going to print them for above my desk.

flower quote

Feel free to download them here if you fancy some blooming beautiful artwork too :) These will print well as greetings cards, if you have someone who loves botanical photographs as much as I do.

scattered flowers
scattered flowers

Happy Sunday everyone. We are off to Sammy's sweetheart's birthday party this afternoon. As her birthday is so close to Christmas and she has her whole class coming, as well as other friends, we are giving her an experience, instead of a wrapped gift. A sleepover and first time for all of them bowling followed by lunch out! I have put a garden plastic skittle in a gift bag as a clue! I know she will love it. 

My week in food

This week I was in heaven. Work heaven.

Here is a sneak peek. My favourites from 48 hours at Leon.

Who's hungry?!

leon restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Spitalfields
Leon Restaurants
Leon Restaurants
Leon Spitalfields
Leon Restaurants

One of my favourite moments was catching this woman completely by surprise. I turned to one end of the restaurant and saw her smile.

Leon Restaurants

But this was my absolute favourite moment. If ever you are near Victoria Underground Station you NEED to meet this team! 

You cannot manufacture the magic that makes a Leon team.

If only there was a Leon near Bristol.

I'll be sharing some of these images for #SundayPropShop. Leon let me have complete freedom to style the shots as I liked. Luckily I had 2 assistants (my brother in law and friend who happen to work and live in London) for the close up images! I'd love to see how you have styled up your photography lately.

Link me to or tweet me you photos - have you thought more about the props you've used, taken an extra few minutes to cut into the cake you made to blog? Show me - I'd love to share them on this blog.

Happy days everyone.

Linking up with My Week that was captured 

Me and Mine - A Family Portrait Project November

Whilst the rest of the country is racing towards the festive period and excited about December finally being here, I am holding onto every second left in November.

Because in amongst the busiest and most stressful working times in both my husband and my lives, (We have never felt and looked so tired, having a newborn was less exhausting!) we have some news.

We are on the move!

new home sold sign.jpg

We are giddy. Although Ollie looks like a sour puss! 

We put our house on the market on a Tuesday and by Saturday it was sold.

Then we fell in love with a house, made an offer, they thought about it for a week and decided not to sell after all.

It's funny how you can think you are heartbroken over a house you have only spent a couple of hours in, but it turns out we hadn't actually fallen in love.

It was just a temporary lust that would drift away as quickly as it arrived.

Because everything always works out as it should.

And (all being well with solicitors working around the clock) on the 23rd December, yes you read it right, 10 years of our life will be packed into two enormous trucks and we will set off for a new life in the North Dorset countryside.

It's a big move, to a totally new area (I spent most of the day in Shaftesbury yesterday - oh wow - how lush is Shaftesbury?!) and one we don't expect to do again for 20 years!

For a long time we have debated whether living in Weston super Mare is the right thing. Yes we love our friends, yes Sammy loves his school and Ollie adores his pre school, but two and a half hours is too far from everyone else you love.

So some months ago we looked at a map and pin pointed a little area that had everything on our wish list.

It turns out there is only one house in that wish list area, and despite having being sold 3 times over, it came back on the market a month ago, and we've bought it!

3 times the chain has broken down and the poor sellers have been at their wits end. But then we walked in and everything has fallen into place. For now.

Of course anything could happen in a month, but being positive is the only way I can be!

It's been a very difficult few months for our family and there has been lots to be sad about and lots that we will be worrying ourselves sick over in the new year, but this pocket of excitement is something that deserves lots of smiles.

A new little chapter for my family and a whole new blog adventure! 

Capture by Lucy is on the move too! Over the next few months there will be lots of house related posts!

We have the pleasure of thinking and designing a new look for the hallway and stairs, the sitting room, a new play room for the boys, a kitchen that involves our lovely builder friend decanting from Weston for 10 weeks and bathrooms that need a makeover too! The boys have requested an aeroplane bedroom and would like to share the larger bedroom, instead of being in separate smaller rooms so I am now obsessed with aviation accessories!

The whole house is white and I like that. We've decided to keep it that way for now and start with a blank canvas.

We should be packing but instead the house is full of paint charts and kitchen brochures and my Pinterest feed is full of dreamy inspiration!

I didn't want to share too much of the new house, just in case it doesn't all go through. But I will, as soon as it's certain. For now here's a hint.

front door.jpg
honeysuckle pergola.jpg
Autumn Leaves.jpg

There's so much we want to do, but it will all take time. One project at a time. And we may need some sheep!

The current owner has suggested we take on these feathery creatures too...


I can't wait to share this new journey with you!

So send your moving and packing tips over this way please!

I am so glad to have captured a photo of us in front of the sold sign. A photo we probably wouldn't have got round to taking on moving day. But because of Me and Mine we have managed to get a lovely photo of a significant time in their little lives.

Join in with the Me and Mine Project. Snap your family together and link up your photos, I'd love to see what you have been up to this month! 

This is a collaborative project between like minded bloggers. Mothers who all want to capture the magic moments in our growing families lives. Head over to Charlotte's blog and check out what she has been up to this month with her beautiful girl.

I've shown you me and mine, now show me you and yours!

dear beautiful