Oh April! How are we already 4 months into our tenancy in Weston-super-Mare?!
April has rushed by in a wave of chocolate, eggs and suitcases.
We've travelled to see family and friends almost every weekend, which while wonderful, has taken it's toll on this house. There is washing everywhere! We clearly have too many clothes!
We are out of routine and out of sorts. And now we are well into party season with Yasmin's Flamingo First Birthday at the weekend and the countdown to Sammy's fishing 5th birthday at the end of May. I am still debating whether Ollie genuinely means it when he says he wants a pink party in July!
We came to a bit of a cross roads in April. That something has to change with our house situation, that we need to be settled, for Rich who is on the cusp of greatness with the launch of the tea company and me allowing my work to take over the house.
So we had to take things into our own hands, to make something happen.
Have a listen to my latest podcast. (If you don't have time to listen to the whole thing skip to about 13 minutes!)
This is why we had to take things into our own hands. A dream house.
I asked all the boys in this house to write down what they wanted from a new home.
Then I wrote down mine.
The trouble is our dream house fits all the criteria! For everyone! So promise me you will have everything crossed for us that we have some great news to share in the coming week. We are well aware nothing is certain, but nothing ventured nothing gained. And perhaps next month instead of a photo of me and mine in front of the garage in Hutton, I will have a photo of some white gates in the background.
I'm showing you me and mine, now show me you and yours!
This family portrait project was created to inspire everyone to capture their family, just as you are. And this is us. Tired, weary, still smiling.
Link up your lovely family photos with us and make sure you head over to Lauren's blog to catch up on her adventures with her sweet boys this month! A fellow Queen of her castle!