I adore green. And as it's Thursday I am going to go for a #throwbackthursday amongst my post with the #capturingcolour bloggers too! It's hashtag central today!
I always thought my boys would inherit my dark brown eyes but no, Ollie is almost a carbon copy of Rich and his side of the family.
This is one of my favourite photos of Ollie. My gorgeous green boy. Where did that baby go?!!!
I had baby pink as our wedding theme and a few years later at our best friend's wedding I had serious colour envy! I absolutely loved the mint green throughout the wedding and if ever I get a chance to wear that beautiful dress again (if I can fit into it!) I will jump for joy.
So I was very at home the week for the Instagram #capturingcolour week of green.
If you haven't joined Instagram you are missing out of a world of endless creativity and inspiration! Come and find us all and see what we are snapping using #capturingcolour.
You can find me here... if you like peonies you will like my feed ;)
There is something so calming about stopping to appreciate a scene or your meal. I have seen a lot of green this week as we are all slimming down for the Summer. We are off to Spain with my sister and her family and my brother and sister in law from America. I am doing ok so far, 7lbs down, 16 to go! But I haven't been able to get anywhere near to zipping my favourite green dress up in a couple of years, so all the plates of green will be worth it! A few more pounds off and it will fit like a treat.
I am staying with my sister tonight ahead of her helping me at the BritMums Live conference tomorrow where I am hosting the blog design session - wish me luck!
This week you will be flooded with violet, indigo, mauve, lilac, lavender and every other colour way of purple you can imagine!
Come and join in the fun and see what the other colour loving bloggers have captured this week.
My Two Mums
Real Housewife of Suffolk County
Sorry About The Mess
Maybush Studio and
my fellow BiBs Photo Finalist Shutterflies
It's an amazing thing watching people joining in and getting excited about capturing their colourful adventures.
Good luck to all the BiBs Finalists for the awards tomorrow evening! Sending a virtual 4 leaf clover to everyone!