Orange you glad you came to read this blog post today?! Boom boom ;)
The colour loving community on Instagram have been out in force this week - did you know there are nearly 1000 posts linked up to #capturingcolour already! Ace.
Orange is big in our house. Richard is obsessed with orange and it features as the main colour for our tea company branding! I'd love to show you but it's in the final print stages so when I can I will!
We both had orange cars when we were teenagers and I love the boys in bright orange hues. I was obsessed with a pair of burnt orange cut offs when I was in my early twenties - I literally lived in them and found a pair similar in a shop the other day for £8! I just had to have them.
Here's my week of orange.
There were so many amazing and inspirational photos joining in the hashtag - these were just some of my favourites!
L to R: notsupermum, onetinyleap, suzkox, iamalisonperry, cheetahsinmyshoes, outfitsandadventures, orchardlanepics, suzyhomemakeruk, lovelifepixels.
To join in tag your photos on Instagram #capturingcolour and visit the hashtag and check out the other people loving colour. I find so many great new people to follow who love a life bursting with energy and fun through #capturingcolour.
You can find me on Instagram here.
#capturingcolour is a weekly Instagram hashtag hosted by My Two Mums, Maybush Studio, Sorry About The Mess, Real Housewife of Suffolk and Shutterflies head over to their blogs to see what lovely oranges they have captured this week.
This week it's all about GOLD. Show us some sparkle and what you love snapping! I adore gold, I changed my logo a while ago to gold and feel it totally encompasses the essence of my blog.
Gold just puts me in a good mood! Let's see your shimmer and shine!