Posts in Photography
Araminta Flowers Part 2

Earlier in the year I had a dream photography assignment for a new florist Araminta Flowers based in Basingstoke.

The aim of the photo shoot was to give Marian a bank of content for her new website (which I will link you to as soon as it's live) and images she can share on her social media and for marketing and events.

We had a wonderful day and I was lucky enough to be invited back for another day's shoot this week to capture her wedding bouquets and everlasting arrangements and posies.

purple wedding flowers
Orange wedding flowers
Wedding table centrepiece
Burgundy wedding flowers
Autumn wedding flower ideas
pink wedding flowers

I love that Araminta offers brides and arrangement lovers a mix of real and faux flowers. I made my Mum's wedding flowers a few years ago and we used a beautiful selection of silk flowers. 

Silk flower wedding bouquet
silk flower wedding bouquet
Pink wedding flowers

Of course the Dahlias's and blowsy real roses stole my heart and we were so lucky with the hazy Summer sunny weather, that we could shoot everything under a tree in Marian's garden.

Wedding centrepiece
Pink wedding flowers

I have never been surrounded by so many incredible flowers, buckets of wild flowers Marian had sourced from a flower farm locally and rainbow colours everywhere I looked.

wild flowers
floral photographer
Wedding flower ladder
Silver wedding bouquet
Tea cup flowers
Pink wedding flowers

A blissful days work with a firm new friend!

#capturingcolour • Silver

Well what a sparkly, glittery week! Thank you everyone for joining in this project!

When My Two Mums invited me to join this group of colour loving bloggers and start a new community on Instagram I was thrilled.

I love colour, I love photographing colour so #capturingcolour has been a dream project.

And it seems lots of you love it too! I am over the moon at how quickly the community has grown with Instagrammers tagging their photos all through the day and night! It's great to see people sharing their photos with such an encouraging group from all over the world.

This was my week of silver. 

#capturingcolour silver

And these were some of my favourites from you all!

Silver favourites.jpg
#capturingcolour silver

L to R: @cariemay, @kitpatlecter, @onedad3girls, @letstalkmommy, @ladyfarleyb, @tamingtwins, @lilyandfrank, @cheetahsinmyshoes, @essexkate

Well done everyone - your images really caught my eye!

This week we are capturing PINK! Yippee one of my favourites! And then we have a special idea for the Summer holiday period in August which we will let you know next week.

So get snapping, get sharing, check out other people's beautiful galleries and find some more like minded souls to follow.

Happy days!

Don't forget to check out the other hosts Real Housewife of Suffolk, Maybush Studio, Sorry About The Mess and Shutterflies and follow @caputuring_colour on Instagram.

You can find me on Instagram here. I post a lot ;)

Check out my other #capturingcolour round ups by clicking on the images below...

#capturingcolour • Gold

Oh my favourite week of all so far!

A while ago my blog had a little refresh, out with the turquoise and in with the gold! I love the matt gold I have for my logo and when I saw it printed on the sample backdrops I have had made (HEY - yes that's right - I am making backdrops for bloggers, makers and crafters to take awesome photos at home - WATCH THIS SPACE) it looked better than I imagined.

I love a little sparkle in our home, flashes of gold dotted around and often wear gold polish on my toes. I am desperate to move to our forever house in September and one of the first things I am unpacking is my shimmery Happy Day garland! 

My week of gold looked something like this.


Flashes here and there and golden sunshiny weather that meant my favourite gold and lace dress had it's first Summer outing. 

I loved Instagram being painted with golden hues. Here are some of my favourites from the week that was all about shimmer and sparkle.


Join in and tag your photos on Instagram #capturingcolour. Visit the hashtag and check out the other people loving colour. You can also follow @capturing_colour to see if your images are featured through the week.

Let's share our love of colour. You can find me on Instagram here.

#capturingcolour is a weekly Instagram hashtag hosted by My Two MumsMaybush StudioSorry About The MessReal Housewife of Suffolk and Shutterflies head over to their blogs to see what they have captured this week. 

This week we are all going to turn into magpies on the hunt for shiny SILVER! ready steady go!