Posts in Photography
Free Floral Phone Wallpapers • Summer Collection

There's nothing I love photographing more than beautiful petals and I want to share some of my favourite images I have taken over the Summer for you to enjoy as a phone wallpaper.

Take your pick or download them all! There is a light and bright version of each.

Free floral phone wallpapers

Click on any of the images to download your free wallpaper and I'd love you to tweet me, tag me on Facebook or Instagram if you use them, I adored seeing the photos of people's phones and the Spring Collection set

Make sure you subscribe to the blog to be the first to see my exclusive sets. I love creating these wallpapers as a thank you to all you lovely readers!

Have a happy week full of floral love everyone. I have the orange Dahlia on my phone at the moment!

#capturingcolour • Pink

A week of perfect pinks was right up my street! I couldn't wait for a week of pink and it seems all of you couldn't either! 

We had an amazing amount of happy snappers join in in last week with #capturingcolour on Instagram filling my feeds with beautiful soft baby pinks, bright cerise and everything in between.

This was my week of pink.

capturing colour pink
capturing colour pink

And these just leapt out at me! This week I loved...

capturing colour

L to R: @onetinyleap@seasidelucy@hattydaze, @fashionyfab, @sonyacisco, @saraho249, @emmiekhall, @locavintage and @lucy_inthe_papersky.

So with Summer holidays and children off school we have something different for August. A RAINBOW month of colour and an opportunity to get your littler ones involved.

Share your colourful photos with the hashtag #capturingcolour and let your children get behind the lens and show us what they capture with #kidscapturingcolour. Let's paint the internet bright with every hue of the rainbow.

#capturingcolour is a weekly Instagram hashtag hosted by My Two MumsMaybush StudioSorry About The MessReal Housewife of Suffolk and Shutterflies head over to their blogs to see what they have captured this week. 

Show us your rainbow brights for the month of August! 

Me and Mine - A Family Portrait Project July

Back in April we thought we had found our dream house. But we hadn't. It was a temporary lust and we are so happy fate took over.

July has been the month of certainty. Certainty that we have exchanged and secured our dream forever house, assurance that Sammy has a school place to start in September and Ollie a new pre school and total confidence that we are buying the right house.

We have said goodbye to Sammy's beloved school this month. We watched him proudly hand out his little end of term treats and our hearts ached listening to all his pals saying their goodbyes and wishing him luck at his new school.

end of term

He had a final scoot around the playground like king of the school, had some photos with his chums, hugged goodbye his favourite Year 6 friend who had become his mentor, adorned in her signed t-shirt, (Who else remembers that ritual?!) and we headed for dinner on the beach!

capture by lucy
school days
school days
capture by lucy

We've had one last viewing on the new house this month, taking my in laws to visit for the first time and it was wonderful seeing them love and appreciate the house as much as we do. At one point as we were walking around the garden my mother in law hugged me and giddily said "Oh I am so excited for you all!" And that's how we feel every time we have been there.

This final few weeks as we wait to hear a completion date feels like torture and it may mean Sammy and I have to spend a couple of weeks in a B&B so that he can start school with all the new Year 1 children. But it will all be worth it in the end.

Having a blog is a wonderful way to journal our move and I thought a little video before we get the house officially, would be a nice little tradition to start. I think I will take one on moving in day too.

Turn the volume down - for some reason every time I upload it the audio is dreadful! I've almost lost the will to live!

Music Credit: Philip Philips - Home

capture by lucy

Now I've shown you me and mine, it's your turn to show me you and yours. Link up your family snap from July with all of us. Can you believe this project has been running for 18 months! I love seeing how we are all changing. Older, wiser and one of us has lost a tooth ;)

Pop over to Katie's blog to see her happy family, tanned and refreshed from their Summer holidays. There's a milestone in their house too, a super cute one is walking! 

dear beautiful