It's a brand new year for the Me and Mine project and we are thrilled that so many of you have joined in over the past 2 years.
We have a new team of hosts all who adore the idea of charting our growing families in photos. It's too easy to take snap shots on our phones and forget to be in them! I look back on a month and most often there are tens of the children, hundreds of flowers (oopsie) and almost none of us four. Me and Mine has changed that.
We shouldn't need an excuse to remember to take a family photo but I see this project as more of a prompt. A lovely reminder of the importance of capturing our family at that moment.
So this was our January. Birthdays, belated Christmas celebrations, ice skating, frosty mornings and back to school routines.
I want this year of Me and Mine for us to be fun. Too often I have bribed the boys, bribed my husband and what is meant to be a nice family portrait, turns into a war of words and everyone fed up.
So to start our year of family fun we made a home photo booth! We sat outside the boy's room, against the white wall, armed with some cheesy glasses and set up the tripod. I used the Party Party app from A Beautiful Mess to create a photo booth strip.
This is us in January!
Come and join in with us and share your family photo from January. It's a special gang. Come and be part of it! We now have a Facebook Community page too so find us here.
This year Photobox have kindly offered to be part of Me and Mine and every month, one family will win a lovely photo cushion!
Now head over to Katie's sun kissed photos of her sweet family on the most dreamy holiday!
Well there's nothing like a week spotting orange to bring some colour into your life!
Every shade of orange flooding the #capturingcolour gallery!
Orange is a big hit in our house, here was my week.
And here are some gorgeous images from the #capturingcolour community. I love how different these images are.
But my absolute favourite was this bright capture from Sarah Hemsley. Beautiful!
Now come and join in with our week of GREEN!
#capturingcolour is a weekly theme played on Instagram. You can see the gallery here.
Well what a tricky week!
I love colour, our house is full of colour, but for some reason I find purple one of the hardest. I realised that the purple accents in our home tend to be in the form of flowers and as it has been bitterly cold and I've been extraordinarily busy with work, I haven't ventured out much last week. With the exception of meetings and school runs my week of purple was dominated by my practise in the tool shed session!
I want to build my confidence working in a darker light and so I popped into the shed last Sunday and had a play date for one! Our neighbours kindly gave us their old wooden workbench when they replaced it at Christmas and I am itching to drag it (It weighs a tonne) into the garden when the weather improves as it's the most beautiful prop!
But I was completely overwhelmed at all the BEAUTIFUL images joining in with #capturingcolour as the gallery turned every shade of mauve and violet for a week.
Here were my favourites.
But I just loved this photo from HonestMum. Vicki you are a goddess in gorgeous purple!
#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Join in with our brand new week of ORANGE!
You can follow my Instagram feed here.
Let's bring some colour into these Wintry days!