Posts in Photography
#capturingcolour • Yellow

I feel we were slightly trying to trick Spring into making an appearance last week for the #capturingcolour week of yellow.

The days still seem so grey and I am desperate for warmer weather and the house to be filled with sunshine. As nice as roaring fires are, I long to be in flip flops and pretty dresses!

For me it was all about pops of yellow. Sunflowers on the coffee table and making up ideas for the lovely people joining in with the #springtimesurpriseproject. Everyone now has their partners and I hope, are busy researching a little parcel for their swap buddies.

If you missed it this time head over to and register your interest to join in with the #summertimesurpriseproject. There are over 260 joining in this time - I am so thrilled!

It was a joy to see all the daffodils flooding the #capturingcolour feed and every day felt like a burst of Spring cheer when I scrolled through the gallery.

I loved the way everyone captured yellow slightly differently, a hint and a full on hurricane of vibrance!

But my favourite this week just had to be this perfectly simple yet stunning post from @RarePearStudio. I adore Shani's gallery for colour inspiration and this mushroom stole my heart!


Now come and join in our week of RED!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your yellow photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)

#capturingcolour • pink

Ok, so I LOVED last week's pink theme! 

capture by lucy

Oh my goodness, in all the months of #capturingcolour I have never been so torn with being able to choose the week's favourites!

This community blows me away!!!!!

pink week.jpg

Just look at the incredible images. The colours, the depth, the stunning creative talent captured on the phones we have in our pockets!

Have a scroll through the gallery, get a cup of tea, a glass of wine and just get lost in colour. 

But I was floored by the beauty in this image.

A photo that would look beautiful on any wall.

cherfold cottage flowers

Head over and check out Cherfold Cottage Flowers' feed.

Now join in our week of YELLOW! I feel a week of the first daffodils of Spring coming on!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your yellow photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)


#capturingcolour • Green

Spring is a coming people! 

Green buds are shooting up and our brown, leaf stricken garden, is suddenly bursting with life.

Green makes me think of lush grass, stems, holding the flag in my final sports day at Primary School.

Green has always been my favourite, mint in particular. If we were getting married now, it would be mint, gold and coral. Here was my week of capturing green.

And I was spoilt for choice with the wonderful tones of gorgeous greens joining in on Instagram with #capturingcolour.

Here are some of my favourites.

capturing colour green.jpg

And this just caught my eye for the second I scrolled through the gallery. I love Nicole aka Yardage Design's gallery, so talented and I hope Rich will buy me one of her beautiful pennants for my birthday!

Yardage Design

Come and join in this colour loving community. Tag your PINK pictures this week with #capturingcolour.

#capturingcolour is a weekly Instagram tag with over 7000 posts linked up! We love colour!