We are home tonight from an almost magical time away in Southbourne.
Simple times with best friends and when we asked the boys at bedtime, what their favourite part of the holiday was, Sammy replied "I can't pick, I loved it all!"
It turns out, our boys need nothing more than their buddies and a beach. We spoilt them with a few meals out, a swim, an afternoon forest adventure at Moors Valley, we hired a boat to go up the river at Christchurch and had a picnic at the play park. But the most pleasure for us as parents, was watching their little toes racing in and out of the sea, trying to beat the waves and climbing over a sand mountain. Just them and their imaginations. Magic.
I have a few photos to share from our Easter away but first I want to share some cracking (boom boom) photos linking up to #capturingcolour over on Instagram. I seem to have had a bit of a thing for bunnies this year!
And the gallery was flooded with eggs of all descriptions, excitement, and masses of chocolate! I loved the burst of all the vibrant colours of the rainbow.
But I also adored the calming tones of these inspiring galleries. They all really felt just how our Easter break has been. Calm. In the midst of the most hectic period of our lives I was determined to really soak up every minute away. Time to read, talk into the early hours with a best friend I wish I saw every day and time as a family. Can you believe I didn't open my laptop for 4 days?!
The one photo and feed I want to share with you this week is Darren's who blogs at One Dad 3 Girls. A natural talent for photography, he captures his beautiful family and their adventures (And the most stunning florals!) . I loved this image from their holiday break away.
I hope you all had a lovely Easter, wherever you may be in the world.
Easter for me this year is about new beginnings, starting over with old habits, taking more control over general life and hatching new plans ;)
This week I want to see your feet! You can spot an Instagram addict a mile off, because they are the strange people standing on an interesting bit of pavement (Or like me next to a river bank waiting for a swan to glide past) capturing their shoes! I love seeing how looking down at where you are standing can tell such a story. So come and join in!
#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your 'FROMWHEREISTAND photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)