Hot on the heels on a week of our fabulous florals was last week's cup theme. Instagram is awash with beautiful coffee cups, tea cups adored with floral backgrounds and it's quite normal to imagine that most insta pals spend their 11 o'clocks wistfully reading an independent magazine over a beautiful style wild flower and cup of tea.
That's why I LOVE it!
We drink a lot of tea in the house. Rich is a self professed coffee snob (He has his beans delivered on subscription!) and I can easily drink 3 cups in an evening and take one to bed. I guess I must drink my tea so milky, it doesn't keep me awake a night!
My week in cups...
The gallery was full of colour, stunning compositions and real soul. I am always so grateful for everyone who joins in and a special thank you to those who support the gallery week on week! There are now almost 12,000 posts linked up!
The thing that is so strong on Instagram is the community spirit. And I loved how I found another hashtag community full of inspiration #cups_are_love. Dashakudryavtseva is a super talented photographer and this post just had so much warmth and story. I loved it. Follow her feed here.
This week is all about filling our frames. Maybe try taking a close up macro shot, leave no background unturned! Join in by tagging your photos with #capturingcolour.
#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your FILL THE FRAME photos this week. I love seeing the power of a full square of colour or texture. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)