Posts in Photography
#capturingcolour • cups

Hot on the heels on a week of our fabulous florals was last week's cup theme. Instagram is awash with beautiful coffee cups, tea cups adored with floral backgrounds and it's quite normal to imagine that most insta pals spend their 11 o'clocks wistfully reading an independent magazine over a beautiful style wild flower and cup of tea. 

That's why I LOVE it! 

We drink a lot of tea in the house. Rich is a self professed coffee snob (He has his beans delivered on subscription!) and I can easily drink 3 cups in an evening and take one to bed. I guess I must drink my tea so milky, it doesn't keep me awake a night!

My week in cups...

The gallery was full of colour, stunning compositions and real soul. I am always so grateful for everyone who joins in and a special thank you to those who support the gallery week on week! There are now almost 12,000 posts linked up!

The thing that is so strong on Instagram is the community spirit. And I loved how I found another hashtag community full of inspiration #cups_are_love. Dashakudryavtseva is a super talented photographer and this post just had so much warmth and story. I loved it. Follow her feed here.

dashakudryavtseva instagram

This week is all about filling our frames. Maybe try taking a close up macro shot, leave no background unturned! Join in by tagging your photos with #capturingcolour. 

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your FILL THE FRAME photos this week. I love seeing the power of a full square of colour or texture. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)

Free Floral Wallpaper and #capturingcolour • Spring Blooms

Ok so you know I am a sucker for a floral photo or five, make that five hundred. So with all the streets and gardens filled with blossom trees, Spring Blooms seemed a perfect choice for last week's #capturingcolour theme!

I picked up the most beautiful orchid stems for £2.50 a stem in a little greengrocers on Southbourne High Street that's been there since I was a baby! They have the most amazing selection of flowers and offer a 3 bunches for £5 offer too!

2 weeks later they are still looking lovely, floating in a shallow bowl of water on the coffee table.

I decided that they were far too beautiful not to share them in some way, so if you fancy downloading a new orchid phone wallpaper just click on any of the photos below for the link. 

They were the perfect props this week and I loved snapping corners of the garden that are bursting into colour.

The gallery was insanely beautiful this week and it was almost impossible to choose a favourite!

I loved these perfect pinks which together just make a stunning grid. For the accounts to follow check out my Instagram post here and tap for details.

capturing colour

But the one that just caught my eye the second I saw it was this one from Alexis. I have serious calligraphy envy! I wish wish wish I could write like this! I was given a course for Christmas 2 years ago and still the quill and inks are in a box on my desk. But I am totally inspired by Alexis and am determined to start my course.

alexis allan on instagram

Come and join in a brand new week of CUPS! Yes that's right I am working all the way through the insta loves this April! Feet, flowers and mugs!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your CUP photos this week. Coffee, tea, hot water and lemon, whatever you are drinking I want to see it! In fact, cups and saucers and some of my favourite props too. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)

#capturingcolour • From where I stand

I have a confession. I LOVE all the insta clichés. I don't care about being the one in the street, with passers by wondering what on earth you are doing taking a picture of your feet, I find nothing more therapeutic than arranging a pretty cup of tea in amongst some random flowers (doesn't everyone drink their tea like that?!) and getting the boys to stand up against a nice big wall.

A couple of my favourite accounts are dedicated solely to the love of your own feet and where you are standing! Check out @viewfromthetopp and @ihavethisthingwithfloors and you will see what I mean. They are almost hypnotic!

So last week's #capturingcolour theme got us all looking down at our toes, our boots and with all the sunshine there were pretty flowers, beaches and at last some flip flops gracing the Brit accounts joining in! 

This was my week. Yes that's a snake. We were in Christchurch walking through the grounds of the Priory on holiday with friends and we saw a man talking his pet snake for a walk. A walk! Rich ran off in absolute terror and jumped on a park bench and the boys were fascinated. The nice chap wants to educate people about the slithery creatures about how gentle they can be and help people not be so scared. I did ask whether it was legal to take your pet snake out to a public place for a bit of sunshine and he said, yes, as long as it hasn't bitten anyone. Eek. Rich didn't fancy being the first and kept about 30ft away! It was a very gentle giant and I instantly thought, ooh a fab #capturingcolour moment!!!

capture by lucy.jpg

And look at all the fabulous feet who joined in! I love how sharing the ground beneath you tells such a story about who you are with, what the weather is like, where you are in the world. 


There is so much creativity in these little squares and I love how everyone has taken just a few extra seconds to appreciate where they are at that moment. 

From where I stand capturing colour week

But my favourite just has to be this one from Sara in Portugal. Look at those silver shoes! I love that she seems so calm in amongst the chaos of the multicoloured balls flying everywhere! I remember that so well, Sammy used to throw them everywhere and they would fly for miles! I would keep finding them behind the curtains, under the sofa, children just adore a home ball pit don't they?! Check out her gallery here.

Saraantao Instagram

This week show me your Spring blooms! There's so much blossom and colour around everywhere you look, in gardens, in high streets, everywhere seems to have embraced Springtime.

This tree in our garden just blows me away, delicate and powerful all at the same time!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your Floral SPRING BLOOM photos this week. (Even if it's not Spring where you are!) Favourites will be featured next Monday :)