Posts in Photography
Joules Competition #capturingColour

If you love capturing your adventures then this is the competition for you. Every week I host a weekly Instagram hashtag and encourage everyone to join in and share their colourful captures with #capturingcolour.

This month I am teaming up with the fabulous team at Joules and we want to celebrate getting outdoors. A couple of weeks ago we took the boys to a beautiful walled garden at Pythouse in Tisbury and wandered through the cut flower beds, snipping a bucket full of home grown stems for Granny. We were testing out some items from their new collection, The Walk, and I can't wait to see the photos on the Joules blog soon.

Joules are offering a lucky follower a £50 gift card and one of their lovely Home Fragrance Room Diffusers of their choice. 

To enter all you have to do is share a photo on Instagram and tell us where you are walking. Are you close to home, in the garden or having an adventure abroad? Get as creative as you want, share a scene or just a snippet, anything goes! I love seeing toes creeping into the bottom of a photo, small people exploring through big trees and just a hint of where you are. 

I am amazed each week by the different stories people share and tell with colour. The gallery has grown to over 17,500 posts and I find it so inspiring to look through all the compositions, the way people capture light and movement. 

This past month has seen us walking along the Champs-Élysées, racing through London Waterloo, dragging suitcases along station platforms, wobbling over white pebbles in Greece and feeling the sand between our toes as we ran into the sea. It's been one of the busiest Summer's we've ever had and we are packing in as much as possible before Ollie starts school in September. 

And last week was full of blue skies, lush green grass, flowers of every colour of the rainbow and the most delicious food I have ever tasted. It's a strange feeling, when you share so much of your daily life on the internet, to not share even a peek from a whole week of work. But I am hoping you will all be excited when the book comes out next Easter! We sounded like broken records by the end of the week, all crowded around the laptop saying in unison "Ooh that's nice, no wait that's really nice!" The challenge of a recipe book, or any book for that matter, is that every image is a hero shot. Each page needs to stand up against the one before with even the incidental imagery holding it's own amongst the magic winning shots. 

I loved the fact that one minute we were in a field of long grass, balancing cables and the tripod on uneven ground and the next minute tucked away in a beautifully lit corner of the owner's farmhouse. We had to create every season through the course of the week, conjuring up a wintry morning on what was actually a glorious day and in contrast trying to capture a summer's balmy afternoon under umbrellas, sheltering from stormy skies! 

And the gallery had scenes from different seasons, people joining in in from wintry Australia to sunny seaside resorts in the UK. 

Each week it gets harder and harder to create a grid of favourites. I scroll through and just see what catches my eye. It's funny because my subconscious must be drawn to certain hues each week because when I open all the tabs once I have selected 9 and they all seem to compliment each other!

And my absolute favourite form last week was this image by Elizabeth. So simple, beautifully composed and perfect even natural light.

It made me realise how much I have missed playing with flowers from our garden being so hectic in the last couple of weeks - on the list for next week! 


Follow Elizabeth's inspiring feed here

So what are you waiting for? Join Joules and I for the month of August and snap your seasonal walks. Show us your sandals or super wellies! Rain or shine we want you to get out and about. I'll be sharing our birthday/anniversary trip to New York this week, there's something about being in a city that makes me just want to walk and walk and walk. We fly on Thursday morning and have booked a lovely hotel in the Lower East Side so expect a cliché Brooklyn Bridge shot or two on Friday!

You can find Joules on Instagram here.

The competition is open from 3rd August 2015 - midnight GMT 31st August 2015. A winner will be announced on the 1st September. You can enter as many times as you like. Tag your photos with #capturingcolour.

Gift cards will be valid for UK only. 

#capturingcolour • Pairs

Hello! I've spent the last week being surrounded by the beautiful whites and blue hues of Kos in Greece at the Lakitira Resort and taken a little rest from blogging to spend some lovely time with my boys. When I am away and have a little time away from the blog to recharge and refresh I love to share our adventures over on Instagram. It feels so easy to capture a moment and post it on holiday, no need for a laptop and reliable wifi! My Instagram feed has evolved into a mini blog, a snapshot of my day and I am so thankful for all the people who follow, like and comment. 

Last week I took over the Mark Warner Holidays IG account so if you missed our trip have a catch up on my photos and videos here.

I adored all the photos joining in with #capturingcolour, pretty pairs of flowers, groups of twos and the way everyone found some different to share. It was a frantic week for us before we left for my mum's the night before we flew. I raced around trying to finish photo shoots, leave the house vaguely tidy for our return, end of term antics and post Paris washing. My mum works at Terminal 5 for BA and offers the most excellent airport parking and drop off/dog sitting service! We arrived at her house at almost midnight, lifted two snoozing boys into their beds and set our alarms for 4am. Yes 4am! The Heaths are not great super early morning people so it was unbelievable that the excitement of the holiday got us all up and out on time!


I was drawn to all the hues of red last week making the #capturingcolour gallery so vibrant.

I love the feeling of summertime in all the images. Hazy days, rainy days, days with family and friends. 

You can find all these wonderful accounts to follow here.

And when I saw this beautifully styled shot from Lillian I knew it had to be my ultimate favourite from the week of pairs.

Simple, romantic, elegant, but glamorous. I've had the pleasure of meeting Lillian and this sums up her infectious personality perfectly!

You can follow her stunning feed here


For the next 4 weeks I thought we would have a rest from a weekly theme and just enjoy capturing every colour of the season that inspires you. It's holiday season, the children have broken up from school and people are heading away or staying at home for a stay cation. I love that idea, of a holiday at home, discovering places right on your doorstep. 

It's summer here in the UK which one minute can mean skies full of blue and the next dark grey clouds full of rain! So wherever you are, if it's summer or winter show me the colours you love!

I also have a little treat in store at the end of the 4 weeks for all you colour lovers. More on that soon. 

I have an extraordinary amount of photos and video to go through from our first visit to Greece and will share some favourites this week, but tonight I am forcing myself to have an early night in preparation for the biggest challenge of my photography career to date. I am starting a recipe book shoot first thing in the morning with a superb food stylist, prop stylist and the talented team at Honeybuns. It is going to be a week to remember. I am terribly nervous and extremely excited but I know we are going to create something extra special this week. And I only have you all to thank. It's because of this blog that I've been fortunate enough to work for these lovely people. I will take a few behind the scenes shots to share later in the week! I will also be sharing the best £99 you can spend this summer to keep your little ones entertained, some photos of our family celebrations in Paris and some photos of what I've been photographing lately that has kept this blog quieter than usual.

This book shoot has been over a year in the making, the preparation, dedication and focus that has gone into tomorrow is remarkable. I hope I can do all their gorgeous food justice. 

It will be one of my proudest moments to hold that book in my hands when it's printed. 

Bring it on!

#capturingcolour • colours of my week

Goodness me! I've had a real blog break being away in Paris. I promised the boys it was a laptop free holiday and I kept my promise.

I have lots of photos and some video to share of our time in Paris as well as a back log of posts in draft from the Makelight Food Photography course in London and lots of other things we have been up to!

It's going to be a busy week before we head off to Greece on Saturday. Packing is currently way down on the to do list, getting one boy well (Sammy has had a horrid sick bug since Wednesday night - he's been amazing and the magic of Disney perked him up no end!) is top of our priorities and I am losing hours on Google to images of the Mark Warner Lakitira Resort... oh my... we are in for a treat! My Instagram feed will be turning white and blue next week!

Paris was a whirlwind of fun, excitement, drama and stories that will be retold forever! Memories the boys will never forget and precious photos that will hang on our walls for the next decade or two. A city break is exhausting and exhilarating in equal measure and my tired eyes are now counting down the days until we hit that sandy beach on our first real family holiday

I have never been to Greece. I have never been on holiday just with Rich and the boys, ever. It sounds mad doesn't it, that in 6 years we've never had that first family holiday but this will be it. We've travelled with family and friends but this will be a chance to really enjoy each other's company, to see the boys make special first memories and for us to have some of that elusive quality family time I read about on other people's blogs. 

I want to soak up that butterfly feeling in your tummy when you head down the gangway to the aeroplane trying to contain two excitable children, the ache in your cheeks because you've smiled so long and hard watching them achieve a milestone (they are determined they are going to sail a boat by the end of the holiday) and the wide eyed, cheesy grin photos that show you captured a moment.

I think next week will be as colourful as last week. 

And the capturing colour gallery exploded with colour, fun and beautiful styling. Every week the stunning captures blow me away. I love seeing how everyone views colour differently. How some people's week was dominated by pinks, others far more muted.

And when I saw this image i knew it had to be my favourite of the week.

I couldn't imagine a world without vivid colour. As hard as I try to embrace a calmer palette it just doesn't suit me. My sister and I joke that her wardrobe is full of grey, navy and black and mine is bursting with every colour of the rainbow! In fact, I actually feel more confident in a bright print, almost the opposite to everyone else! 

Go find and follow Alex for more inspiration. 


This week is all about PAIRS! 2 is most definitely a magic number. So come and join in on Instagram and share your matching pairs, your two of a kind, your two peas in a pod.

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your photos and post your PAIRS images this week. Show us what colours are inspiring you this week. I will share a round up next Monday :)