Posts in Photography
Autumn Time Surprise Project • #capturingcolour Changing Season

I have spent the last week embracing the changing season here in the UK. I keep being lulled into a false sense of security, with golden hour sunshine that lasts all day, to thinking I don't have to pack away my sandals and summer dresses just yet.

But there's a distinct chill in the air come 7pm that reminds you that our landscapes are about to change. Pinks are turning to reds and amber, my roses are starting to crinkle and the flower beds are littered with petals like confetti. 

So in celebration of the new Autumn Time Surprise Project being live today for sign ups I wanted to get everyone excited about the colours of the changing season. Where ever you are. 

The #capturingcolour gallery was exquisite. Beautiful still life vignettes, crispy leaves and blankets of very colour of the rainbow.

I adored these images, pop over to Instagram and give them some love.

But the one that made my husband lean over my shoulder and say wow that's stunning was Jessica's explosion of colour! I love her use of ingenious backdrops and the way her posts feels like works of art. 

Head over to her account for a feast for the eyes and inspiration for your next styled floral photograph. 

I was thrilled that so many joined in the Summer Time Surprise Project and sign ups for the next one are now OPEN! The project involves sending a £5 limit parcel to a stranger, ready to open on the 15th November. You sign up with your likes and dislikes and can share your social media accounts if you have them. This way, when you get your partner details you can find them, say hello, make a new connection.

This time there's no need to register first (which I hope means we won't lose anyone between registration and sign up like last time) just fill in the form and submit!


Hundreds of kind and creative souls sent parcels to strangers last time and a small handful didn't follow through on their promise. I want everyone who signs up in good faith to love taking part so this time I'd like you to share a small pledge, somewhere on the internet, so we all feel part of a community who like doing good deeds.

Remember one good deed always leads to another so pass on the positivity. 

"I can't wait to send my partner their surprise project parcel. Hooray for being kind!" #autumntimesurpriseproject

Once you've signed up, pop over to the IDEAS and QUESTIONS page for more information and ideas to get you thinking. Sign ups will close at midnight GMT Friday 30th September 2015. This is a worldwide project, open to anyone who would like to join in.

I know that it might not be autumn where you are, so after the last project for this year in the Winter, I shall be starting a quarterly #surpriseproject. It's amazing watching people find like minded souls through the simple gesture of an old fashioned parcel.

I hope you will join me for the #autumntimesurpriseproject.

And to spread the word, this week's #capturingcolour theme is paper and parcels! There's something so wonderfully ironic about rejoicing in snail mail by sharing a photo on social media! 

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your photos and post your PAPER AND PARCELS images this week. I will share a round up next Monday :)

Joules Competition #capturingcolour WINNER

What a summer. City streets, sandy beaches, grassy gardens, chalk painted pavements. You named it we have all walked it! Throughout the month of August colour loving Instagrammers have been uploading and sharing where their adventures have taken them this season and the #capturingcolour gallery has been awash with glorious moments, family times, quiet times, times of reflection and times of jubilation.

The very lovely Joules and I have been encouraging everyone to get outdoors and show us where you have been walking to celebrate their new collection called The Walk. The boys and I got to try out a few pieces, including a lovely new jacket which I have barely wanted to take off since, to share on our mini adventure at Pythouse Kitchen and Garden over on the Joules Journal.

We had so many wonderful entries it was almost impossible to choose a favourite to win the £50 gift card and super Home Fragrance Reed Diffuser.

We loved that we got to have a glimpse into everyone's holidays, days out, their travels abroad and their love of the outdoors. 

These all captured our hearts with their humour, romance, sentiment and sense of fun! Pop over to Instagram and give them some love. 

But the one that won Joules over unanimously, was this beautiful summer haze delight from the Bees That Buzz of her and her sweet boy amongst the corn fields. She has a soulful gallery with inspiring imagery from home and abroad.

There's a sense of magic, the tiny hand classed completely, his blonde locks blending into the husks.

They are actually saying goodbye to England this summer and moving to pursue their dreams in Spain. You can read more on her beautiful blog

There's something so precious about holding hands. Something you only do with the people you love the most. And the stage when their hands are squishy are the best!

Congratulations a very worthy winner amongst so many captured moments and truly encapsulated the spirit of adventure.

Good luck in Spain!

This week is going to be all about capturing the changing season so from Monday 7th September come and share your Autumn colours with #capturingcolour. Just for fun!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your AUTUMN photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)

A Collector's Tale • Steller Stories

A while ago some of my favourite bloggers started sharing stories on a new app called Steller. I've been intrigued ever since but never seemed to find the time to download it and understand what it was all about.

Well wasn't I missing a treat. Imagine an Instagram post being a 20 photos long. A miniature blog post with beautiful imagery, whimsical story telling, a feast for your soul. I've needed something to help me clear my head when it feels like the world is spinning. And this is it. 

It makes me want to travel the world, cook outdoors and share all the stories that I've left untold on this blog. There's always too much of life to share, family life, home life, people and places I capture for work. But I feel like this is a wonderful outlet for some of them.

So pop over and get lost for a while. You can find me @capturebylucy.

Here's a peek of what I shared earlier tonight, my visit to a house where time has stood still.

I woke up this morning to find Steller had republished my story as one of their Editor's Picks. I feel like I have a whole new world to explore.

The photos I have shared were from a set I took for Pretty Nostalgic magazine last year. It was so lovely to see them in print.