Styling the Seasons • February

I am a big fan of Katy's blog. And her Instagram feed and her general love of life.

And I am a HUGE fan of the #stylingtheseasons community hosted by Katy and Charlotte of Lotts and Lots which celebrates the joy of styling a surface in your home. So although I am a month late starting a new year, I am here!

So I thought I'd take you on a mini tour of some of my favourite corners. When you are renovating a house (as I am learning) it takes time, lots of time. And so it's so important to recognise the small areas that you have made your mark on.

We are slowly working our way around the house. We have two rooms downstairs that feel like ours and the boys' room which we've finally finished, but that's it. Everywhere else has patterned wallpaper, holes from old pictures, wonky windows, well those we love so they will stay, and decor from the previous owners.

So here are the nice bits, the pretty bits, my favourite bits.

capture by lucy
capture by lucy
capture by lucy
capture by lucy

The light changes all around the house. There are endless corners and ledges and I love to just potter around rearranging the bulb pots and snapping a few photos.

February is filled with fires and signs of the house we fell in love with.

The garden, which was filled with colour when we moved in, is now brown and bare and I have loved picking up little pots of bulbs in the local florist's and watching the buds shoot up. We are planting flowers in the garden and choosing what to seed in the vegetable patch. 

Now I am not your green fingered gardener but I am keen to learn!

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capture by lucy
capture by lucy
capture by lucy
capture by lucy

This weekend we have my brother home from America to celebrate Rich's birthday. We are off to the races on Saturday and are going to soak up time being together since last Summer. We are just missing our sister in law who teaches so had to stay home!

This is when I love the house the most. A house to really live in, to host in, to make memories in.

Now pop over to the Laura Ashley blog to see an inspirational post from the Styling the Seasons gang! 

HomeLucy Heath Comments
#capturingcolour • pink

Ok, so I LOVED last week's pink theme! 

capture by lucy

Oh my goodness, in all the months of #capturingcolour I have never been so torn with being able to choose the week's favourites!

This community blows me away!!!!!

pink week.jpg

Just look at the incredible images. The colours, the depth, the stunning creative talent captured on the phones we have in our pockets!

Have a scroll through the gallery, get a cup of tea, a glass of wine and just get lost in colour. 

But I was floored by the beauty in this image.

A photo that would look beautiful on any wall.

cherfold cottage flowers

Head over and check out Cherfold Cottage Flowers' feed.

Now join in our week of YELLOW! I feel a week of the first daffodils of Spring coming on!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your yellow photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)


Aeroplane Boy's Bedroom Tour

We have lived in our lovely house for just over 4 months now and although it still feels like we have everything to do, actually, when we sit back and take stock, we've achieved quite a lot!

Our priority when we moved in was always to get the boys settled as soon as possible. Living in 3 houses in a year has definitely taken it's toll on their sleeping habits and I can count on one hand, the number of nights I've had sleeping in our bed without one small boy or another! 

They trundle in, bleary eyed, looking for comfort from a bad dream or just a cuddle, and their little puppy dog eyes get me every time. I know this stage won't last forever, they won't be creeping into our bed when they are 15, and quite honestly I haven't got the energy to march them back at 3am whilst life is so crazy.

When we moved to the temporary house last year, whilst our purchase was going through, they shared a bedroom. All their bits and pieces went into boxes but when we finally moved in, they decided they wanted to stay together. We talked about how they wanted to decorate their room and aeroplanes was top of the list!

I fell in love with this aeroplane wallpaper and picked up little accessories over the year, although I am still searching for an old pair of pilot's goggles!

aeroplane wallpaper

They declared the shelves behind their beds as the special shelves for their most precious things, so in amongst the pictures and planes are a ghastly set of rubber trash pack characters, snot something, maggot something and sweet light up polar bears they were given from Grandma at Christmas. There's a few shells, a pirate wind up music box, a handwritten poem about animals and some Christmas books, which all take pride of place! I love seeing what gets scurried behind the beds, what's in favour that week.

aeroplane bedroom
aeroplane bedroom
aeroplane bedroom
aeroplane bedroom
aeroplane bedroom

The old Rolls Royce prints were a gift from my Auntie and the beds are actually bunks but work well as twins for now. I found a charming old desk which was already painted in a vintage shop locally and picked up the bright yellow chair from another antique shop in Semley, making a perfect space for Sammy to do his homework and drawing, 

boys bedroom
boys bedroom

Dressing up is a big deal with the boys and whilst I am still searching for the perfect chest of drawers for between their beds, a trunk that I bought for £25 from the local carpet shop is ideal to store all their costumes and hats. Their quilts keep them cosy at night, being in the attic room is cooler than the rest of the house, and I love the stripey curtains. 

I didn't want to buy everything that matched perfectly, but slowly find fabrics and accessories that all tied around a red, blue and white theme. Something that would last! As much as I know they would adore their current favourite character themed bedroom, I also know that next year they will love something else and it's expensive changing bedding and curtains! It's a more grown up room for growing boys. I will admit to feeling a little sad packing away all of the owl baby nursery decor Ollie had at our old house!

hanging aeroplane
aeroplane bedroom
aeroplane bedroom
globe handles
aeroplane bedroom
aeroplane bedroom
boys bedroom
aeroplane room 15.jpg

We had the wardrobes built by a lovely local handyman and I found some globe handles and a peg for their dressing gowns. The top landing isn't quite finished yet, I still have the gallery wall above the chalk board to finish and am busy printing photos of their friends and framing artwork from school and nursery. So I will save their reading nook and the finished landing for another time!

aeroplane bedroom
boys bedroom

Now I just need to source a nice rug, any suggestions?

Here are some links incase you are planning an aeroplane theme too!

  • Spitfires wallpaper by PaperBoy.   
  • Kingsettle Antiques have a fab selection of painted chairs. I bought the yellow one for £22.
  • Aeroplane quilts, fabric storage bag and drawstring laundry bag from the Powell Craft aeroplane range.                                  
  • Stripey curtains from the Varsity range at Dunelm Mill.
  • We bought the white Vancouver bunk beds from Amazon.
  • Hanging plane, hooks and door knobs were from HomeSense and the globe was from Oliver Bonas which is currently on sale for £15. 

Ooh and fancy seeing how it was before??? Check out this post for the before photos and see how the house was when we first viewed it. I am longing for the Summer now, to see the garden look as beautiful as it did then. I just hope I can do it justice with my not very green fingers! 

HomeLucy Heath Comments