#capturingcolour • Black and White

Well last week went against all my natural instincts! I almost felt I was fighting against my love of colour and the #capturingcolour week of black and white was definitely the most creative challenge for me so far! 

But the gallery was flooded with emotion, atmosphere and power photos that quite simply demanded a monochrome filter. Stunning images linking up from around the world, and I could have chosen a favourites grid 10 times over. 

I love how we all share moments on Instagram. That we build up a feeling that we really know someone because they share so many parts of their everyday life. Their bumps, their babies, millstone moments, and moments in between.

Such beauty and sentiment from the gallery this week. 

But it was this wonderful capture of a cow that immediately made me smile and take a second look this week. You can find her gallery over here @reniracicely, a powerful feed from a mother who has shared so bravely, her angel babies. Her love for the ones she has lost just blows me away, and her tribute images to them are so beautiful and raw. 

ReniraCicley instagram

This week we are sharing captures from around our HOME. What does home mean to you? Your hometown, your interiors, the places or reasons why you feel most at home? I love how everyone interprets the weekly theme differently!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your HOME photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)

A little life update

Excuse the radio silence around here this week, all my good intentions of publishing my composition tutorial, fabulous trip to Edinburgh, my thoughts on raising what seems to be a pair of boys from the iGeneration (my little phrase not Apple's) and a couple of other ideas have been delayed, sitting 95% finished in my draft folder. 

I am probably my harshest critic and I as much as our everyday life is a tremendous rush, I refuse to rush my blog posts. I am so proud of this site and adore the people who take the time to read it, and I feel unless I am completely happy with the content it just has to wait! 

But hopefully it's worth the wait. I wish I had the ability to write at the speed of light, I wish our internet connection was faster than 1Mb. Uploading my photo heavy posts can take hours! But I just couldn't do them any other way. I love that our life is so full at the moment, a couple of extra hours in the day would be ace but instead, I am trying to break the day into bite size chunks. Have a priority list for each day, try and make a pocket of time in the day to answer emails (which I feel dreadfully behind on!) and make sure there is some quality time for the boys.

When you write a blog it's easy for it to become a full time job, a 24/7 full time job. I've slipped into catching up on my Instagram feed and comments at midnight, like a colourful bedtime story and we sit on laptops most evenings both juggle our different hats. But do you know, I love it! I feel so blessed to have all these incredible opportunities. My eyes are constantly on stalks when exciting collaborations ping into my inbox and I just want to be able to say yes to everything!

This week I've whizzed round the South West, been up to The Forest of Dean for a meeting for my property job, spent hours in a solicitor's meeting in Bristol and squeezed in a long over due catch up with one of my closest blogging friends Ruth and even managed a laptop free night at the village barn dance! I gave a little interview on Thursday to one of the national women's magazines all about making the best of situations and my desire to follow through on the principle of making the ordinary extraordinary. 

I want to present the best version of me online, the positive things we do, the happy times we share with our family and friends. And sometimes it's nice to savour it. Reflect on all the snap shots, the comments and feel proud. It takes hard work to juggle our hectic lives and many hats. Tag team parenting is tricky at times, when one feels they are picking up the slack more than the other.

But out of these challenges comes the most incredible opportunities for us as a family, for the longer term. I've been feeling at a crossroads lately, I feel torn in different directions, wanting to do it all and not knowing what to do next. So I booked a space on Fiona Humberstone's Colour for Creatives Workshop this Tuesday.

I've been going through her planning workbook, creating my mood board to take with me and collecting bits and pieces which hopefully encapsulate all the things I'd love my online life to be. A blog, a business, a creative  escape. I can't wait for a whole day to just think, think about what I am and where I want to be. 

I'm heading to London tomorrow to speak to a group at the Judith Blacklock Flower School about floral photography and social media, and if it wasn't for this blog, that opportunity would never have happened. My in laws often say we try to describe to our friends what a blog is but I'm not sure they get it! It's a strange concept to write a personal blog and for people to be interested in your rather ordinary life, but one I am so grateful for.

This year I wanted to do something for my readers, to bring them together and just do something positive and lovely. And as we hit the first official day of Spring this week, my notifications went wild. I am completely in awe of all the amazing parcels being sent around the country and the world for the Springtime Surprise Project. Just look. 

Springtime Surprise Project

There are still a few parcels in the post and lots of lovely people are writing about the project on their blogs. I am going to share links to all the wonderful posts later this week and if you would like to join in the next surprise project swap head over to surpriseproject.com and register!

I can't wait to finally share the photos I took in Edinburgh and all sorts of other lovely things later in the week! Happy weekend everyone. Thank you so much for reading, my rather waffly tale!

Linking up with MummyDaddyMe and #theordinarymoments

Lucy Heath Comments
#capturingcolour • overheads

Oh this might just pip the week of florals as my favourite capturing colour week!

I love how an overhead shot gives you a snapshot into someones life, what they are eating, where they are standing, what they are playing with.

My week was filled with pretty floral vignettes and I loved it!

And the #capturingcolour gallery just came alive!

But as soon as I saw this photo I knew it would be my absolute favourite to share from this week. Bumps and courgette flowers - LOVE!

Go and check out Kate at House of Humble's gorgeous gallery and follow this mother to bes journey!

This week we want to see your BLACK & WHITE shots. I will find this week a challenge as I love to snap colour, but I also want to appreciate the power you can evoke in a black and white image. 

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your BLACK & WHITE photos this week. Favourites will be featured next Monday :)