Me & Mine - A Family Portrait Project January
I often gaze at this photograph which sits on the window ledge in my office.
A captivating set of family pictures of my grandparents, mum and auntie all huddled in a photo booth in around 1970.
I have longed to have a series of pictures just like this of us and our boys and then Lucy from Dear Beautiful put together a team of likeminded happy snappers which gave me the final push I needed.
It didn't quite go to plan, the almost 4 year old who understands to look and smile, decided to move at the last minute. But that actually makes it a great photo to us. We will remember the jostling in the booth trying to fit us all in!
Introducing Me & Mine a new family photo based link for everyone to join in on.
It is so easy to take a hundred photographs of our little ones but how many feature all 3, 4, 5, 6 or more of you! Ok so if there are more than 6 of you it might be more of a practical and logistical challenge but a wonderful family portrait is something to treasure.
We would love you to join in with our Family Portrait Project, linking up you and yours snapshot once a month. I've shown you mine now you show me yours!
Family photos do not have to be perfect. They have to be of you! Here are a few of our attempts! terrible photos that have the most brilliant memories.
See hopeless! You can hardly see Ollie and Sammy well .... not the most flattering angle!
Lovely picture of Ollie's first bath ... except you can't actually see him!
And this well, Ollie is clearly doing his best bird impression! Yikes! The bald look was not kind to him, bless him!
We would love you to join in. Here is the code is you want to be in the family photo gang!

Head over to Katie at Mummy Daddy and Me Makes Three to see her lovely little family, 3 soon to be 4!
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