Sparkling Finds


I have a slight obsession with glassware. The more ornate and mismatched the better. My husband keeps rolling his eyes and saying "that's exactly what my grandma used to have" (he isn't saying it in a good way) but I reply "I know fab aren't they?!"

Now my collection of sparkling finds are all together on the painted shelves he has had a change of heart. The crystal tumblers look fab for an Amaretto fruit cocktail adorned with a peach paper striped straw!

£2.25 for the 4.

Sparkling Glasses

Sparkling Glasses


Sparkling Glasses

Then twinkling on the bottom shelf of a dusty bookcase were these beauties.

Sparkling Plates

Sparkling Plates

Sparkling Plates

Sparkling Plates

Then I literally lost all my charity shopper cool and skipped over to grab this honey pot! I have been searching for one for my sister's baby shower, £1.25!

Honey Pot

Honey Pot

Just as we were leaving Sammy spotted some old fishing nets. £4 for a set of 4 and perfect for his soft toy storage idea I have had in mind. Check back in next week.

Fishing Nets

Fishing Nets

Lastly I spied the bargain of the day. Here is a hint.

Bargain Buy - Sneak Peek

Bargain Buy - Sneak Peek

There are so many bargains to be had at your local charity shop. Have a look in next time you are passing.

My 5 top tips for charity shop shopping:

  1. Don't deliberate and leave it on the shelf. Pop it behind the till until you have made up your mind. Chances are it will be gone once you have finished browsing. If it's a bigger purchase put it on hold for 24 hours to sleep on it instead of making a rush decision you regret.
  2. Shop for what you need. I had been searching for a honey pot and it's taken 2 months for one to pop up. Worth the wait though. It's easy to buy for the sake of it, because you might be able to give it a makeover in the future, because we all love to get a bargain. Unless you are super crafty, there is no point filling your house with future projects, that you never get round to. Buy it - do it!
  3. Become a regular. There are 2 charity shops I visit almost once a week. They have a great turnover of stock and I know which one is better for glass and home ware, which is better for furniture and which is better for children's toys and books. Think timings too. Most people use weekends to have a good sort out then drop their bags off on a Monday or Tuesday. The stock gets sorted everyday so by Friday there should be a whole new range of goodies to be had, to bag before the Saturday shoppers.
  4. If it's not perfect don't buy it (unless you are a secret seamstress). I can't sew for toffee so I only ever buy something I could wear right out of the shop. Equally, I go over any bric a brac with a fine tooth comb as there is nothing worse than realising once you are home, that one of the set of four is slightly chipped.
  5. Don't be afraid to walk out empty handed. You don't HAVE to buy something every time.

I am ridiculously excited to visit my brother and his wife at the end of the month in America and not least because we are heading to the Route 70 Flea Market! Thank goodness for a staff travel 3 suitcase allowance!

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