A Look Back - 1984
The very beautiful Brooke at Covered in Grace posted a lovely comment on one of my posts which linked me to her brilliant Look Back series! My all about me page has a photo from when we lived in Abu Dhabi and I had a little sister and a baby brother on the way! My father worked for Gulf Air and we came back to England just before my brother was born. Can you imagine?! My mum travelled alone, 7 months pregnant with a 16 month old and a 3 year old, on a 5 hour flight! Ghastly! She says she remembers squeezing into the toilet on the plane and slapping on full makeup, so that when my grandparents greeted her at Heathrow, she looked like she was coping! As soon as she saw them, she burst into floods of tears!
I really have only one strong memory from this time, which was getting on the school bus (yes we went to proper school, on a proper bus, all alone, at 3!) and it being so hot that my legs stuck to the faux leather seats!
I think living out there, for my first almost 4 years, is where my love of the sun must come from!
I used the CameraBag 1983 filter! Only a year out!
![A Look Back](http://i747.photobucket.com/albums/xx113/Megan10e/lookbacklinkupnodate.jpg)