Being happy at home

I thought I'd give you a little peek into where we are living whilst we house hunt.

I have been a little mean to this house, when actually there is lots of space and I have to keep reminding myself the pink bathroom isn't forever!

It's time to unpack, appreciate how lucky we are to have found a house to rent, so close to preschool and in a village full of families, with a real sense of community.

For the first time ever, we are able to walk to pre school. And it is a joy. My 2 year old chatted widely the whole way there and everyone we passed, walking their woofers, or popping for a paper at the local stores, gave us a wide smile and a hearty good morning.

It may only be the 17th January but already I need to remind myself of my new year motto.

And suddenly it is becoming a happy home. With more unpacked boxes ready to be filled again and a chance to have another much needed sort out. 

house 5.jpg

I may have gone a little mad on matching bits for the boys in 2013. Excess!

My mother has worked like a dog whilst I recovered from a sick bug, to get us straight! Wonder woman!

So we have a lovely dining area, flowers on the mantel and planning friends to stay. Who cares if you sleep on a mattress on the floor just for one night? I know our friends don't.

The dogs are happy as pigs in muck. Rich has a new pair of wellies and walkies now means a muddy trek in the woods!

So from now on we have big smiles!


Because we can sort over time. There is no rush. Just shut the door!

And we can walk to pre school. Happy days!

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