Blog Photography Workshop • Life Lately Podcast • Episode 11 • Blognix 2014
Apologies for my blog absence! It has been a manic but completely awesome week!
I shall be sharing my ace experience at BritMums Live later this week but first, if you are looking for tips to improve your blog photography then you have come to the right place, and if you didn't get to attend the blogging conference Blognix, then fear not, all the slides are right here for you.
It was a pleasure to speak at Blognix, a conference that celebrates all that is positive within the blogging community. A day to inspire, share and connect with fellow bloggers in Birmingham at The Custard Factory.
There is a complete mix of bloggers from all communities who attend Blognix. It's a great way to share your blog with a different part of the blogging community. I spoke to craft bloggers, beauty bloggers, fashion bloggers and it was a pleasure to see some familiar encouraging faces from the parenting community.
Deciding what to say was the tricky bit because there is so much to say! It was an honour to be one of the speakers amongst individuals with amazing stories and achievements.
Photo credit Rosalilium
The podcast this week is my session, as if you were in the audience. It's a long one so grab and pot of tea and a cake... there's 42 minutes or so of it!
I was so grateful for all the lovely feedback from the bloggers who mentioned my session in their round up posts and for all the tweets and messages. If you want to read any of the posts linked up click HERE.
What is it that you would most like to improve? Mastering your camera? Composing your blog photos? Let me know - let's all help each other.
Linking up with #Whatsthestory and #SharewithMe