#capturingcolour • Favourites

I can't believe it's been a whole year since #capturingcolour started on Instagram. It started as a collaborative project by a pair of lovely bloggers My Two Mums and has evolved into what it is today. I was lucky to be part of the colour loving team a year ago who encouraged their followers to embrace colour, seek out a rainbow on a dark and gloomy day and fill their squares full of every hue you can imagine.

Everyone loves colour, we just love it in different ways and over the last 6 months I've had the pleasure of hosting this wonderful hashtag as part of my blog. Colour is at the heart of everything I do. It changes my mood, it changes the atmosphere of my photos and it's something that unites so many people.

I was so thrilled to be featured in the #nothingisordinary gallery over the weekend, with others sharing their rainbow photos to celebrate the momentous ruling in America. Love always wins.

I share a new theme idea each week and am in awe of the creative talent of the Instagrammers joining in. I feel like I came late to Instagram. I sat in a conference in the Summer of 2013 with a blogger called Lucy and she gave me a 5 minute blasting on how amazing Instagram was and how much I would love it. I thought, rather foolishly, that it was another platform that I would have the pressure to feel like I had to conquer, to understand, to have a very public following on. And it all felt too much. The filters didn't feel right to me, it felt like a playground just for the cool kids. 

How wrong can a girl be?! I chat more on Instagram with some of my closest confidantes than anywhere else! 

I love all my social media platforms, they all have a place but Instagram has my heart. Everyday I feel encouraged, supported, embraced and really quite loved. I feel connected to my followers and am astonished that so many people are interested in my daily photo journal. It blows me away! Thank you. 

That's what it has become, my record of our everyday adventures. Little things, snippets of a moment, not telling the full story but a whisper. A corner of our home, a hand, the edge of a plate. It's a way I can share our story without feeling the need to be in it. Does that make any sense?! I've realised I don't share many photos of me and I guess that's ok, I feel so much more comfortable behind the lens. I just can't do the wistful looks, I don't have the bikini body or the perfect pout. I am a cheesy grin kind of girl. I've tried, but I always end up with two sets of teeth like a lama. I need a selfie stick to hide the chins ;)

Last week's #capturingcolour was all about celebrating favourites. Favourite people, places, old photos and a reason to reshare them! I think the essence of Instagram has changed since it first started. It's not just about sharing the literal moment you are in it's about capturing a feeling, sharing the way you feel at that moment, even with a photo that was taken days or weeks ago. 

So this was my week. 

Sharing snippets from my year all in one week. Favourite new friends and their beautiful homes, favourite drinks that just take me back to a balmy Summer's evening like being hit by a train, and Ollie's pink party. How can my boy be 4 next week?! It feels like he's been 4 for a while, a big boy ready for school, but then his pronunciation will falter and we hear this 3 year old babble, and we love it. 

I asked him at bedtime tonight what he'd really love for his birthday and he said "A thing that comes with sweets, with a Minion, Mama, you know a Minion, with sweets, they come out of his mouth."

Forget the trip to Disneyland Paris next week, in his wildest birthday dreams my boy would just love a Minion theme Pez. That we can do. 

And these were a few favourites of the favourites week! Head over to Instagram to find the accounts...

And don't forget to have a browse through the gallery, every week there are inspiring new accounts to follow. Take a peek

But in keeping with the celebration of rainbow pride I saw this colourful photo and loved the caption so much it had to be my ultimate favourite from the week.

Check out Berran's absolutely beautiful feed! It is a treat. 

housedesignberry instagram.jpg

Now come and join in with this week's theme of CROCKERY. I love seeing people's mugs of tea first thing in the morning, their plates of food at lunchtime and beautifully placed jugs with flowers. Come and be part of the fun!

#capturingcolour is a weekly theme on Instagram. Tag your photos and post your CROCKERY images this week. I will share a round up next Monday :)