Elborough Olympics
The absolutely fantastic charity, North Somerset Play Forum hosted a family fun day on our Village Green! It was shameful the amount of people who turned up, or rather chose to stay at home. It was a scorching day and whilst I thought to myself 'oh the children are playing so nicely in the paddling pool shall we just stay in the garden' I knew that it would be a great event and more than worth the 5 minute walk from our end of the estate.
The Forum are a friendly and welcoming bunch who are dedicated to providing family fun for free!
The are hosting lots of events over the coming weeks, so please check out their events page.
We had a brilliant time, I managed to get out of the hopper race (after 2 natural child births it wouldn't have been pretty) and Dada came second!
Big boy won the under 8's sack race, albeit there were only two competitors! He turned to the other little boy at the finish line, who jumped in second and shouted "We are both winners!" How sweet!
If you see the next event advertised near you, you MUST go!
Of course I just had to bite the ear off the organiser, to get her on Twitter and Facebook so I can spread the word!