Me and Mine - A Family Portrait December
This was our Christmas.
We've changed beds 6 times in as many days, packed and unpacked suitcases, loaded and unloaded the boot 7 times and seen every single member of our family that we love.
We hung stockings, (including my childhood knitted one!) laid out sacks and suitcases and for the first time in about 6 months both boys slept all night, and in the same room, on Christmas Eve!
We've had 3 "Christmas Days", travelled hundreds of miles, watched the boys adore their first Pantomime, clinked plastic glasses of champagne in a hot tub, swam in the dark, made "Baby's First Christmas" crackers, played on penny machines and created our own chocolate coins with the bravest boy in the world.
I will always treasure hearing 2 little boys screaming "Has he been? I think he's been!" and being transported back to my own childhood Christmas mornings.
My brother in law cooked, almost single handedly, a spectacular Christmas lunch for 11!
As always we toasted to absent friends.
To Granny's and Grandpas, to Grandmas and Grandad's.
After one of the most relaxing Boxing Days I have ever had with the Heath clan, my family joined my in laws for another festive day of fun.
There were times I had to pinch myself that this was real. This was one.
This has been the year of families coming together and I am so lucky that we all spend these special times as one. The boys went to their first pantomime and it was adorable seeing them both open mouthed and shouting "It's behind you!"
On the 29th something special happened. My brother and sister in law had flown home from America on Christmas Eve and my cousin and his wife and their baby daughter flew back from Kenya.
And this was the result. Times you will never forget.
Thank you to everyone who has shared their home with us this year. And hopefully next year we can return the favour in a new home of our own!
I made an extra special effort on Christmas Day to make sure we took a photo of the four of us.
And that is down to 6 other like minded mothers.
I am so proud that all of us have completed a whole year of our Family Portrait Project!
I love seeing how my little family has changed, Ollie from baby to boy.
If you joined in with us thank you so much, and I hope more of you will join in next year!
Head over to Becky's blog for some festive cheer! And don't just read her December portrait post, scroll back. You'll be besotted.
I've shown you me and mine, now show me you and yours!