The Sweetest Granny

Granny's Recipe Books

We have been enjoying a bank holiday of sorting. Sorting old paperwork, putting up pictures, clearing out old boxes and I had a good rummage through my Granny's suitcase.

I found her old recipe books and I am ashamed to say, that for all the creative things I do, baking is not one! I have never baked a single cake in my life! Shocking I know!

Granny's Recipe Book

I am determined my first will be from one of these recipes!

There are so many but I though I would share 2 child friendly ones! I imagine she used to make these for my Mum and Auntie when they were young.

Granny's Recipe Books

Granny's Cheese Straws

4 oz flour, 3 oz grated cheese, pepper, salt and cayenne, 2 oz butter or margarine, 1 yolk of egg.

Mix flour, cheese, salt etc rub in butter. Mix to short paste with yolk of egg. Knead until smooth. Roll out to 4 inch in thickness.

Granny's Recipe Books

Granny's Oatflake Cookies

4 oz porridge oats, 2 oz self raising flour, pinch of salt, 2 oz margarine, grated rind of an orange, 1 egg.

Mix oats, flour, sugar and salt. Rub in fat, add some orange rind and mix to a dough with beaten egg. Roll out to fairly thinly and cut into rounds.

Cut out a small circle in the centre of half the rounds, brush over with milk and sprinkle with sugar. (These rounds form the top of the cookies.)

Bake in a moderate oven for 15 mins.

When cool, spread the lower rounds with jam and stick together.

A post for you, Dear Granny.