What to do in Tetbury • A weekend away

Oh Tetbury, you stole our hearts, and the contents of our wallet and purse! Well not stole, we happily exchanged our hard earned pennies for your loveliness!

We had the pleasure of a child free weekend, with best pals, which started on Friday evening the weekend before last. With the M5 in it's typical Summer gridlock (and the schools haven't even broken up yet) we ended up flinging the boys in Mum's car at a services half way up the motorway towards Bristol, in a desperate attempt not to be late arriving in Gloucester!

The boys were thrilled to have 2 whole nights with Granny and just about managed to kiss us goodbye before they started singing Yankee Doodle Dandee at full volume! Granny has quite the collection of children's cds in her car.

After my first visit to the recently redeveloped Gloucester Docks (which is ace by the way) and a long overdue catch up with my girls we headed off to Tetbury on Saturday morning. Rich had been on babysitting duty with the husband at home whilst the girls went to town. We stopped at the new Gloucester Services en route.

It is like no other services you will ever have the pleasure of visiting! 

Gloucester Services

We arrived in Tetbury to glorious sunshine and despite our friends not being able to join us (Their little girl was poorly in the night!) we were determined to enjoy the night away even if we missed them greatly!

The Priory Inn Tetbury

We checked into The Priory Inn, a 2 minute walk to the town centre which sources all the food in the hotel within a 30 miles radius. The hotel has an abundance of contemporary country charm with candles everywhere and simple but sophisticated rooms.

Tetbury Shopping

We dropped off the bags and wandered into the town. With a tiny handbag. Oh the small pleasures of no children in tow! Each cobbled pavement bursting with antiques stores, traditional and boutique and floors and floors of loveliness.

Tetbury antiques
Tetbury Antiques
Tetbury Antiques
Tetbury Antiques

We discovered Café 53 where we could have easily spent the entire afternoon, sitting by the pond, drinking wine and eating delicious food.

Tetbury Antiques
Bumble bee
Dried roses

We rambled aimlessly around the town, pottering, eating, drinking and really and truly relaxing. We even had a half hour read of our favourite magazines with a drink in the hotel garden! Heavenly. 


There are so many shops I would recommend. At one point Rich who doesn't 100% share my love of clutter (about 70% I'd say) exclaimed with glee, "We're antiquing!"

Must visits:

tetbury 15.jpg
Vintage tiles
Antique bottles

Oh and I couldn't not share all my treats! It may not be Easter for another 9 months but that vintage egg mould was coming home with us! I am going to use the old spindles for ribbons on my new office wall and a few treats for the boys. Only fitting to get a Farmer's Market story book in the services!

vintage bargains

Where did you go on a child free weekend? It's always great to have a hit list of places to visit!