Posts in Photography
NYC Day 2 - Brooklyn Baby!
NYC Day 2 - Times Square
NYC Day 2 - Times Square Bill Board
NYC Day 2 - Brooklyn Subway Map

Brooklyn is a part of the city I have always wanted to visit. The L train takes you straight into Williamsburg and you could spend an hour or four roaming the sidewalks, taking photos of graffiti which qualifies as art and stopping at coffee shop after coffee shop to sample the delights on offer.

NYC Day 2 - Riding the subway

Straight out of the station I found my haven. Junk. Quite literally. A warehouse full of everything I love. Vintage baby weighing scales that would make the most incredible photo prop just too large to fit in the suitcase.

NYC Day 2 - Junk, Brooklyn
NYC Day 2 - Junk, Brooklyn graffiti

Little treasures were just around the corner. Vintage test tubes, buttons, wooden die and strange little numbered blocks. Old multicoloured glass medical bottles and all sorts of goodies which I almost begged my husband to carry home. I am going to make a picture for Sammy's room, so annoying they didn't have Ollie's letters.

NYC Day 2 & 3 Letter Dice
NYC Day 2 - Wooden Number Blocks
NYC Day 2 - Junk Shop test tubes
NYC Day 2 - Junk Shop Bottle
NYC Day 2 - Captain Baby Sidewalk

We stopped at one of my hit lists further into Brooklyn towards the foot of the Bridge, West Elm Market. An eclectic mix of home ware accessories and a buzzing pit stop counter top cafe. There was a 12 foot long wooden trestle table in front of the counter with mis matched chairs for you to stop, read a paper, work and take in the atmosphere.

NYC Day 2 - Brooklyn West Elm Market

All I could squeeze in my handbag was a bottle of their Lemon Preserve Syrup to compliment the other bottles on our mini bar!

NYC Day 2 - Random Brooklyn!

We walked across the Bridge and admired the skyline, waving at Lady Liberty as we went!

NYC Day 2 - Brooklyn Bridge
NYC Day 2 - Brooklyn Bridge
NYC Day 2 - Brooklyn Bridge

We took a train from Penn Station to New Brunswick where my sister in law kindly picked us up and drove us to her parents. We swapped cars and it was off to the bright lights.

Next stop Atlantic City.

Me & Mine - A Family Portrait Project February

Hooray it's month 2 of Me & Mine! I realised that in a month we haven't taken a single photo of the 4 of us, thank goodness for this Family Portrait Project.

January was inspired by my grandparents. For February, I mentioned when I made this Family Kisses Art, that we have this little ritual called an 'all together kiss'.

I have wanted a photo of our silly family bedtime routine and this gave me the perfect excuse to shoe horn my husband into setting up the tripod! How else do you hang a camera upside down?!

Squished and full of love. An All Together Kiss. Happy February.

Me & Mine February All Together Kiss @capturebylucy

Me & Mine February All Together Kiss @capturebylucy



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Scoot on over to Lucy at Dear Beautiful to see her sweet family of four.

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