Me and Mine - A Family Portrait Project July
July. The month my baby seemed to stop being a baby. A month of holidays (too many we are feeling far too spoilt) and a month of family photos.
I didn't have to set up a photo for July, for the Me and Mine Project. No special effort was involved like the past months. There was no shoot, no "come on we need to take a photo for Me and Mine" and no disappointment that one of us wasn't looking the right way!
July has been a month of family. Family times, with all four of us.
And it's made me realise there needs to be more like this month and less like the others.
When you go to friend's houses what are the photos you are most likely to see on the walls? Is it family snap shots or perfectly "naturally" posed family portraits on a white screen?
Don't get me wrong (we had a family photo shoot - you can see the pictures HERE) there is nothing at all bad with posed family pictures (I've taken lots of lovely families and hopefully some more to come) but capturing family life should be more than just that! The photos around our homes don't have to be perfect, perfectly lit, and perfectly edited.
Our house is full of photos. They are not perfect but they capture a moment. And I adore them.
I know I am guilty of always wanting the perfect picture, taking 5 selfies of Rich and I until I like one (and the double chins are less obvious), but I need to embrace what we are, chins and all.
This was our month...
We are a family. A little unit. 4 Heaths against the world!
Watch out world we're coming to get you.
Time to link up your wonderful family photos! Don't worry about light, angles or backgrounds. Just snap away and link it up with all of us.
You've seen me and mine, now show me you and yours!
There are lots of lovely families who link up with this project including a very happy family of four over on Katie's blog Mummy Daddy Me. Go and have a look at an award winning family blog. She's the best in the country! I promise you will love it!

Here's the months you might have missed of our family portrait project!