A first family holiday • Mark Warner Holidays

I started this blog to document the milestones and everyday moments in our busy family life. And almost 3 years down the line, I've realised there's something I have never blogged.

A first family holiday. Just the four of us.

We've have been lucky enough to have travelled on planes, packed "activity bags" and listened to endless children's songs, en route to new adventures, but we've always been 4 plus some.

Never have we been on our own. Ever.

We love our friends and family, and some of our most happiest memories of these last 5 years being blessed with our boys, is of playing a game on the beach, or lighting a BBQ down at the beach hut in Southbourne. 

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But it would be quite nice to make some memories on our own. 

I've always documented our holidays. The passports all lined up ready to go, the queue to board the aeroplane down the chilly tunnel, whatever the time of year, the magic photo of your tiny one with earphones on for the first time.

You know you are not alone. That at least 10 other parents on that plane are doing exactly the same thing. Trying to snap those moments in time that are too easily forgotten, amongst the endless colouring pages, games of snap and snacks on demand. It's quite a skill to have a Mary Poppins travel bag of snacks, I can tell you! I love sharing where we've been, the beautiful skies and treats that are totally allowed on holiday.

And we all know first times are precious. They are the memories that stay with you forever. Before the days of social media on our mobiles in our beach bags, I vividly remember my Mum taking a mental picture. Holding out her fingers in the shape of a camera and pressing a pretend shutter button. 

But now we are lucky, we have the magic of Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, so the first time we travel together, just the four of us, the first time we check into a hotel who understands what families need, we will be able to capture those moments and share them. And we would be in trusted hands whilst we make some new memories.

A week of being looked after. All of us. A holiday that caters for everyone, from Ollie who would adore the wave jumping with the Mini Club and whose wish list includes face painting and races on the beach, to Sammy who wishes he could sail an actual boat, "Not a toy boat!" and who would relish the chance to perform in the Junior Club dance show. From Rich who wants to indulge his love of adventure sports, to me who wants to eat well, sleep well, enjoy my family and capture happy family times. 

But these are our precious times, right now. The times when Dada (as our boys still call Rich at 5 and 3) is the strongest man in the world, able to throw them up higher in the sea than any magical figure, with biceps bigger than Popeye and when cuddling your Mama under a beach towel on a lounger, in the afternoon sunshine, is the cosiest thing to do. The years before my small boys will grow up and favour holidays with their friends. A frightening prospect for anyone with boys who has watch the Inbetweeners movie. 

Magical things happen on holidays. Babies go to boys. Boys learn to swim. 

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Little boys want to be like their Daddies, and this Daddy, or rather Dada, went on a Mark Warner holiday to Sardinia as a little boy. His love of sailing has stayed with him and we always talk of one day, buying a little laser for the boys to learn on. 

Being an Ambassador is about sharing the values of the company you are proud to promote. having the ability to captivate your readers and transport them to that exact moment where the sea is gently lapping at your toes, with the sand slowly wrapping itself around your feet like a grainy blanket. Or the moment when you are sitting on the side of the swimming pool, with the edge of the pool leaving little marks on your legs, because you sat just a little longer to watch your little one receive their certificate from the swimming coach. Seeing the droplets of water dripping down their hair which has parted into triangular dreadlocks and onto their big smile beaming back at you.

It's something quite special to share your intimate times. The moments that happen with no planning at all, because you have jumped off the daily treadmill of a hectic family life. The moments that become traditional family stories to tell to new girlfriends and recall year on year.

Being an Ambassador is just that. A special honour. Being one of the faces, one of the families, who have been lucky enough to enjoy what they have to offer, and retell what they have discovered. Share the times that are precious.

Times we think we would be very happy to share with just one, with Mark Warner. 

That would be our perfect family holiday. A real family holiday. 

Psst and you could come too via the magic of social media ;) 

This post is my entry to the Mark Warner Holidays #markwarnermum competition to be an Ambassador for 2015. 

Lucy Heath8 Comments