Life Lately Podcast • Episode 10 • A Happy Mess

Wowzer it's been a long time since my last podcast! Forgive me - I really want these to be a weekly event but with the fishing party extravaganza time has flown by!

Here's what I've been up to...

Show notes:

So we have a lot of sorting to do!

Messy House

The house we are renting is a mess. But I've realised, after a good few months of moaning about the lack of wardrobe space, that we can't host lots of people like we could in our last house, that the pink bathroom downstairs has become a storage dumping ground, amongst other groans, that it's a happy mess.

The boys are happy. They have everything they need, all their precious things and favourite toys. They have forgotten the 11 boxes of toys that are stored in the garage. I've managed to root around under boxes and baskets and locate almost all of my bits and pieces, my tapes and ribbons and piles of old scrapbook papers (I am still in search of a box full of my old bottles that are begging to be filled with Summer flowers) and I haven't really missed the box of Summer shoes I can see but can't quite reach, unless we unload the entire double garage worth of contents. It turns out you can actually survive with one pair of flip flops.

We are creating happy memories here, family dinners have become more of an occasion now we can't sit in the kitchen. Tonight Sammy said "Oh wow this looks beautiful Mama." A ready basted chicken and pre made mash. Bless his heart he's a sucker for a pretty dish just like me.

Family Mealtime

I have to admit defeat, that I quite like living in a muddle. I don't put all our clothes away, I like having open shelving for plates and a basket for cutlery. I love having little collections of trinkets on the side and a pile of thumbed magazines on the coffee table. Minimalism is not for us! Organised chaos would be more appropriate.

It's been incredibly hard in this muddle, for Rich to launch our tea business, but quietly and methodically he has done so. More on that soon...

This Summer is full of possibility and adventure. The possibility of a new home, a new school, a first holiday abroad with Yasmin and ticking off a list of firsts with Skye. It's a precious thing, experiencing firsts, seeing someone swim in the sea for the first time, watching someone's first reactions to things, that as grown ups we do on auto pilot.

Life is what we make it. I am embracing the mess and doing what we do best, living life to the full. The washing can wait til Monday (Or until my Mummy comes to visit and saves me!) ;)

Have a lovely week everyone. Thank you for listening. And if you haven't signed up for my new weekly newsletter Captured, what are you waiting for?! I love that I feel like I am talking just to you and there's a special gift for one of my subscribers this month. Sign up here...

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Linking up with #TheOrdinaryMoments