Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I suppose this is my Christmas message, just like the Queen! Creating this blog has been a wonderful experience this year.

Sometimes it has caused a few arguments ... blog rather than bed ... but overall everyone has been really supportive of my new creative outlet.

It will be a beautiful memory for my boys, almost like a digital journal of their childhood.

Thank you so much for everyone who has read a post, commented or is kind enough to subscribe and read it every day!

My New Years Resolutions for the blog:

  1. Stop calling it the bliggety blog. It drives my husband insane.
  2. Take 99% of the photos for posts in natural light, even if it means waiting a day for better weather! The difference between a perfectly naturally light photo and one taken in harsh overhead kitchen spot lights with a flash is amazing.
  3. Be braver. I have played it safe on the whole, which is silly. There are a few parenting issues, including gender selection, that I would have loved to post about, but worry about offending readers. When in fact informed debate is far more interesting sometimes.
  4. Stick to a schedule. I plan out my posts each week on a chalkboard in my office but often get sidetracked creating more work for myself! I love posting everyday but it is a pressure. However, sticking to a schedule enables me to finish posts a couple of nights in advance which takes away all the pressure! One click and publish!
  5. Use automated functions. I need to use my Facebook page better. At the moment I post in one place then another instead of taking advantage of the automated options. Time savers!
  6. Join in more linky posts. I have become loyal to several weekly links including Magpie Monday, Do Something Crafty Friday, Silent Sunday and Tot School Tuesday. I have found some great blogs to read by the others who join in, but it would be great to join in some others. Perhaps start a collaborative one of my own .... watch this space!
  7. Spread the word. I am really proud of how this blog is evolving and there is nothing wrong with a little self promotion! I am going to be part of something exciting next year ....


I am going to take a little break over the next few days to enjoy the magic of Christmas with my family. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year. Have wonderful Christmas times where ever you are!

Much love, Lucy xxx