The day after the night before


I hinted yesterday that our New Year's Eve wasn't quite as we had planned. Like Cinderella without the ball. The house was all dressed up with no where to go!

Our big boy Sammy came down with an awful sick bug which meant we were house bound for 24 hours and had to cancel our best friends coming over for a sleepover! How disappointing! The menu was written, the mini bar adorned with fairy lights! We even had the countdown cocktails tried and tested. But as is the way with best friends you can just save it for another time. So New Year's Eve was a dress rehearsal for a belated New Year celebration at the end of the month which actually coincides with two of their birthdays!

I'll post the menu and mini bar later this week as I was so proud of how sweet they looked! I found an old Big Ben stencil which made the perfect milk cocktail for Sammy complete with chocolate powder, a sprinkle rim and frothed milk. He really deserved a treat after being so poorly.

Our neighbours treated us to an impromptu firework display (right over Sammy's bedroom) at 9pm, not sure if they meant for them to all go off in the space of a minute that early!

As Sammy seemed back to his usual self we headed to Clevedon for a New Years Day walk on the pebbly beach and pub lunch complete with the glasses I painted and party hats. Surrounded by smiling faces from the rest of families on the beach we balanced on the rocks for a photo. What superstar friends!

It's back to routine today! Dogs have haircuts, Ollie is at nursery and I need to catch up on work whilst keeping Sammy entertained as pre school doesn't start again until Monday!

It's been wonderful these last few lazy days but the children could do with getting back to normal life, bed times have got a little later and they are both obsessed with the iPad after all the travelling around we have done. Are you secretly looking forward to getting the decorations down?! Mine will be coming down this weekend and I'll have post of how to brighten your house when it looks so bare after the tree and cards come down. Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall