The MAD Blog Awards


I have gone back and forth about whether you should post about asking for nominations but then something incredible happened. I started popping up in the initial nominations list, without any lovely people being asked.

The chosen finalists in the MAD parent blogger awards (if you haven't heard of it - it is one of a handful of widely respected UK blogging recognition awards, but the only one where you are nominated by others) are the top 5 to be nominated in each category.

A really big part of me would die of pride to be in the top four in any of the categories, but there are only a few that I think I am remotely eligible. A really really small part of me is too proud to post this but here goes!

New Blog - you have to be under a year old to be nominated. First blogiversary end of March 2013 and you will all be invited to the party!

Family Fun - my boys think life is a hoot, shame they are too young to type in my web url address.

Photography - ok so I thought I had a creative eye until I scrolled down the list of nominations in this category. Still, worth a shot (boom boom) ;)

So on behalf on his Mama .....

His ideal day if I was to be nominated ... doing gangnam style!

I thank you for reading and thank you for even considering this little blog worthy of a shiny trophy!

To nominate click here and type in only if you want to of course!


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