Water Pistol Art • DIY Watercolour

I have a tiny set of watercolours which every now and again, when I have 2 minutes, I get them out and make something with. I start lots of ideas, trying things out for another day when I have more time!

watercolour art
watercolour art

The boys always want to have a turn and to try and save my precious brushes and paints from being mixed to oblivion I promised them a better game.

Water pistol water colours!

All you need is water, food colouring, (colours of your choice) pistols and paper. I'd suggest a thick paper or card, or stack your sheets and watch the colours seep through making more abstract art. 

Water Pistol Art

Mix your colours with a few drops of food colouring. This takes seconds to mix as opposed to watering down children's paint. You don't even need to stir!

DIY watercolour

The tricky part is filling the pistols as the nozzle is so small! But I suggest using a small jug.

Then have fun!

Water Pistol Art

The last part is making sure you do lots of oohs and aahs at the mini abstract masterpieces!

Shoot a single colour and you can cut out cute hearts to make bunting.

Happy, simple days.

Water Pistol Art
Water Pistol Art
Water Pistol Art

Linking up this half term activity idea with Tuesday Tutorials and Parenting Pin it Party