World Book Day • Secret Blogger Event with Miles Kelly

In every stage of the boys' little lives books have been at the forefront.

From a memory journal recording their pregnancies to a baby plastic photo album, to touch and feel collections, to building up a classic children's library on their bedroom shelves, not a day goes by when they don't pick up a book and read.

The baby album has been passed onto their little cousin and the photos updated with all her family from both sides and now Sammy has learnt to read at school, books take on a whole new adventure.

In an age when 6 months old know how to swipe a touch phone and our 2 year old can unlock our phones and casually find Disney films on YouTube, books have never been more important.

As someone almost permanently glued to a laptop, sitting down with a book is a real treat. It feels so much more of an experience, to thumb the pages and my current obsession is finding vintage party games books, inspired by my birthday present from my brother and sister in law in America last year.

So it was a resounding yes when I was contacted by Miles Kelly Publishing to join in with 25 other bloggers to celebrate World Book Day and exchange secret choices for their children. You can read all about it here.

Miles Kelly Blogger Project

Parents - World Book Day is Thursday 6th March and I am sure every school around the country will be encouraging the pupils to dress up so if you are anything like me and school notes get left in car seat pockets and gym bags, put a note on your calendar now!

Last year Sammy was inspired by a rather quirky children's book, Anyone for Tennis?! Don't you just adore the broken glasses he wore?!

But this year it is all about sailing on the seven seas!

world book day
World Book Day
Best Pirate Book
World Book Day
Activity story book

What a wonderful choice for my two - whoever the blogger was! Thank you.

Bright, colourful and above all sturdy! And hopefully Sammy is only a few months away from being able to read it all by himself. The illustrations are young and the story isn't frightening for a bedtime read, which is my complaint about a few pirate tales. 

The boys loved stretching out on the floor and what's great about this book is that it's long enough for no squabbling! Sharing is a real issue at the moment and this has engaging content in spades.

Pirates - An activity and story book in one and a ship made for two :) 

World Book Day

Have a read of the other posts for some inspiration for books to add to your children's libraries. You can find them on the Miles Kelly Twitter feed. A link to all of them will be posted on the Miles Kelly website. (I will update this post once it's published.) 

Do start with this one from Lauren and her lovely boys.